64 Reviews liked by KyleToys

Every video game series runs it's course, particularly when that series starts treading water. With this third instalment, it felt very much like the Sonic Advance series had pretty much run out of steam and, as a result, this game feels pretty uninspired.

Sonic Advance 2 attempted to nudge the series into more of a sleek, speedy direction but Sonic Advance 3 does away with any positive changes to the formula that 3 introduced and unfortunately doesn't really add anything worthwhile in return. The most innovative part of 3 is the addition of a partner system, where you play as two characters at once. It pretty fun and does help to diversify the gameplay a little but it's a system that can be easily ignored because the zones don't really feel like they're built to facilitate this new mechanic. It's just...there.

3 does add a couple of other little bits. There's an overworld now which is alright but there's also collectable chao scattered throughout each zone. This chao idea struck me as quite an interesting one, encouraging a healthy degree of exploration. It is unfortunate that an obnoxious message pops up after you collect each chao. It's a small QOL issue that very nearly succeeds in completely disincentivising collecting the chao at all.

So there's not really a whole lot new here but the thing is, the same problems that I've moaned about before remain. The level design still feels a little lazy and a little lacklustre but this time around I'd argue that the graphics and soundtrack don't really pull there weight. Both the spritework and the music feels weirdly saccharine lacking either the comfiness of the first games style and the snazziness of the second games'.

I've ragged on Sonic Advance 3 a little too harshly perhaps because it's not a terrible game. Fundamentally, the Sonic Advance formula still works quite well and the levels are good enough to supply a few hours of fun. I think for me ultimately Sonic Advance 3 just feels like a middle-of-the-road Sonic game; not good enough to rave about but not terrible enough to live on in a state of infamy.

Hardly a game tbh but proof 7 year old me could be entertained by literally anything

The boards suck, way too simple. Graphics are eh even for the GBA, the story mode is kind of just thrown together. Kind of a disappointing game since I love pinball games but this one clearly had no budget or ambition.

this game is very short (took me about 1h to beat) and thats about all it has going for it

This game is a masterpiece in story telling. I started to wonder at many points in this game is this game actually better than the last of us!?! I believe it is. Its so focused on the story and cuts out most fluff. Even the exploration pieces are quick and every interaction point adds to the story or the flavor. I loved the story, the music, the characters, the hard choices, I cannot think of one think I wish was different. I was gripped as if I was watching a HBO TV show or watching Breaking Bad! This game ALMOST made me cry which is saying a lot. What a beautiful game. I am someone who does not like reading a lot so, this game in this format is a blessing! Play it now!

🎮 Platform: Xbox
⌚ Time to finish - 12h (includes season 1 + 400 DLC)
🏆Trophy completion - 100% - easy just play the game and most are story unmissable. 400 DLC does have some non story trophies but easy to revisit with chapter select, but do look them up before hand.

🤬Difficulty - haha... this is an interesting one. :) I would say its difficult because of the choices you have to make not the game play. I agonized over so many decisions only to find out time running out to make a selection. This game has probably the toughest choices I had to make in any game. They nailed it.

🌄Graphics – Good. Its from previous generation so nothing mind blowing but i liked the comic booky feel.

🌦 Atmosphere/Music – Amazing score. Amazing atmosphere. Every chapter in the journey has you meeting interesting characters and going through interesting story beats. I really felt immersed in this world and could understand the motivations of everyone. Here I would give last of us a 1 up on music and atmosphere. But still amazing here.

📚 Main Story / Characters – I loved the story. Its one of the best stories of any media. I really liked seeing each person's motivation and take on what is going on. The fine balance between trust and mistrust, choice and no choice. I really liked most of the characters, but some did not have enough screen time, which is fine. I already was emotionally invested in so many of them. The main characters of Lee & Clem are amazing individuals and amazing together. Clem trying to make sense of this fucked up world, Lee doing his best balancing between a brute that has to protect her and also trying to appeal to her soft side. So good!!

🤺 Combat – It boils down to QTime events, but i felt the sensitivity was too high or not enough time was given to aim your gun, which did cause some unncessary deaths. But its fine, they don't come up often. I also disliked that the cursor does not stay where you left it between QTime events, you keep having to aim even if you previously were there before. It does add to the tension however.

🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – I found engaged in pressing all the interactable. I think they all had good color to add to the story. I liked talking to each person and getting their thoughts on things. Definitely absorb everything you can and TAKE YOUR TIME with this game!

🚗 Movement/Physics – fine.

📣 Voice acting – Amazing performances with depth of emotion! The height of the voice acting is in the last chapter of the game. I won't spoil it.

🥇 Best thing about the game - Everything!

👎 Worst thing about the game - None. Again saying a lot as if you have followed any of my reviews, you know I am super critical and picky.

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There's nothing that I can really say because everything about this just works so well together. Whether it be the remarkable atmosphere that it displays throughout combined with its incredibly unique art style, its simple but intuitive gameplay design, the oftentimes beautiful soundtrack, its emotionally gripping and heavily thematic narrative that’s full of meaningful and involving player choices, the astounding voice acting, or the utterly brilliant cast of masterfully well written and spectacularly developed characters. It’s all fantastic. The Walking Dead is a masterpiece of interactive storytelling in the truest sense of the word and it was genuinely a thrill to have finally experienced it after years of being well aware of its esteemed reputation within the gaming industry. I’m very much looking forward to getting around to the other seasons at some point.

I love this game. I love every part of this game. I recognize that most people don't like lots of this game, but because I grew up playing this over and over none of that bothers me and I just have fun the entire time I'm playing it.

This game is tied for my favorite game of time. I genuinely can't describe in words how much I love this dumb ass gamecube game. The ranking system has made a good game turn into an even better one for me. I love playing as the speed characters, mech characters, and treasure hunting characters. Every single part of this game oozes style I absolutely love it. The story can get a little odd but the whole shadow storyline is awesome and I really love it. Also chao are pretty cute I like them

Ehh Pokémon shuffle is better

Idk how this one game in particular has captured so many moms but here we are. It isn't even anything new or different. It's just bejeweled with microtransactions and 7 trillion levels.

The game in itself is not bad. That would come from everything surrounding it. The lives system, the aggressive monetisation and the fact you most likely can't progress unless you link your game to facebook. Fuck this game for making publishers learn all the wrong lessons from mobile gaming and ruining what was a promising field that gave indie devs a chance to flourish. This title and clash of clans ruined mobile gaming

Akinator walked so ChatGPT could run