This game is a Masterpiece.

I also love the writing so much.

Sehr gutes Spiel, auch für die die kein Poker spielen.

Very fun and good looking game, but it has some Matchmaking issues.

Extrem Enttäuschend, zumindest für den Anfang. Kaum Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, Außer 2 Autos die je 20€+ kosten, und viele Bugs.

Sadly not a game for me. And lots of Perfomence Problems.

The six hours were so long, that i played it on three days, because the grimd to Level 16 is so boring.

I actually had a bit fun playing this and the Challenge Edition after i finished Peppa Pig two times.

I played it two times for the Trophy's. (Ps4/Ps5 Version) Took around 45 to 50 Minutes (For one Playtrough) with a guide.

Very good game.
I'm hyped for Spiderman 2 but i am sad that they changed his face.

Decent Spiderman Game, but nothing outstanding.

My first Game for the Ps4.


I hate being underwater...

I only played zombies on the free weekends and it was fun.