Cool And Wonderful Trailer/OP/PV/CM

As the title suggests, Games with a cool And wonderful Trailer/OP/PV/CM.
Ryosuke Takahashi, director of Armored Trooper Votoms, said. "The most important job of a director is to make a good trailer"
If a good OP or PV can get people interested in a game, that's a good thing. And every time I start the game I look at the OP. An important RITUAL.

Hey, buddy. I'm still alive.
Everything that makes up the game is cool, but the OP is cool as fuck too. Kobayashi Keiki is a genius. I hope there will be more Spanish like game music.
Live ver
I wish you had recorded this in high quality sound. Damn it.
"Ace Combat Medley" Acoustic Guitar Cover
The prelude to a hundred years of war.
It's on youtube, but only in poor quality.
Composed by Keiki Kobayashi, same as AC0. Waltz for Ariah is a good song.
"Important thing in a fight is the distance. And a heart that won't back down" I loved Grandpa Wahlrus, (The voice actor is the colonel Campbell from MGS.) and Flee and Leo.
Trailer Japanese ver(No matter how hard I look for an English version of this trailer, I can't find it!)
Produced by Hideo Kojima. This PV has most of the plot of the main game in it! Is it okay? This?
'It doesn't matter as long as it funny.' Kojima-san, Is that what you mean?
"It's up to the runner whether he wins or loses."
(This is the best video of the PS2 version of the OP. The picture quality is rough. Damn. I wanted to record the PS2 version I have and upload it to Youtube.)
It was produced by Hideo Kojima. Like MGS3, this one has given away most of the plot of the main game. (lol)
It is often misunderstood that the main game is not directed by Hideo Kojima, but by Shuyo Murata, a member of Kojima Productions.
The PS2 version has the best OP. The way the actual gameplay moves and is presented is very elaborate and shows the great taste of Hideo Kojima. Especially the camera work is fantastic!
Xbox360/PS3/MARS OP is shit! They've edited it so badly it doesn't even have a shred of sense!
OP made by Production I.G
It's probably the OP I've watched back the most in the game.
I shed tears when I first saw the Koubu F-type(The white one around 51 seconds in the OP) driving through Paris, it was so cool.
Apparently the executive producer, Ouji Hiroi, also cried. I hate Hiroi, but I understand how he feels.
OP made by GONZO. Well done GONZO.
'Haruka na sora he' is a great song.
There's supposedly a second verse, but it's not officially released yet. I want to hear it.
Composed by Shoji Meguro. Meguro-san, I heard that you are going to make an independent indie game from ATLUS, are you okay with that?
I listened to this title loop 2 and the regular battle guitar solo on heavy rotation like crazy.

Regular battle(All guitar solo patterns)
I have an ear disease. The voice that plays in the middle of the song sounds like "Caspian yoghurt!", such a disease.
Sickness sets in here too.
"Burn my bread"
"Skyclad Observer" lyrics sound like an adolescent boy. 中二病/Chuunibyou, a disease that affects eighth graders. But good.
"未来への咆哮/Roar Towards Tomorrow"
This song is about something more than the clichéd rhetoric of militarism, patriotism and the right wing.
A similar song is "RISE" from Ghost in the Shell SAC 2nd GIG. "RISE" feels like a personal policy.
Both are cool.
Animated version? idk
Composed by Masahiro Ando of T-SQUARE. He quit T-SQUARE this year. Good work Ando-san.
I think Arc the Lad might be the first non-Dragon Quest game music I've heard that sounds like a classic.
I got as far as 3, and 2 was super long.
Composed by Masahiro Ando of T-SQUARE, like Arc the Lad.
All the OPs of the past
T-SQUARE's arrangement Ver.
OP of the fight between Amuro on the first Gundam and Zechs on the Tallgis.
I have no idea how this happened.
Other ver
"What the hell!"

FromSoftware, please release a remaster on steam. I can't be bothered to connect the wires to my Xbox360.
The spiritual sequel to GPM. (In a way, the whole world view is also common.)
Half of the OP is an explanation of the world. The other half is an image video of the game's combat. The combat system in this game is abstract, with commands to match the triangles on the radar screen. This means, it's a topological representation of underwater warfare. The people who planned this game's combat system are crazy, and the people who approved it are crazy. lol
This game is very difficult to explain, even more difficult than GPM. Because it is so difficult, it is rated as a shitty game.
But I like it.
Composed by Masafumi Takada of NO MORE HEROES. I have the limited edition CD of NMH, but I've heard a lot more of the soundtrack included with Godhand.
Trailer/Yet Oh See Mind
I don't know of any other trailer that made me laugh so much. HOME RUN GOD(ゴッド本塁打) and laugh like shit. What's a ゴッド本塁打? lol

My right hand is GODHAND!

Hey, Shinji Mikami, any word on '2' yet?
I don't mind being a masochist again!
Hey, Kinoko, is there a second one yet? FGO is out of the question, I'd rather read the rest of this than Tsukihime.
If you want to make a '2' CM or PV, Use 'Summer'.
Official Trailer/PV
My eyes bleed when I hear this song.
And, it makes me want to throw Molotov cocktails. Brrr... Bratushka!
Detective. Arriving. On the scene. - Fan made Trailer

The Japanese version will be released in spring, and I'd like to write a review before then, but it may not be possible.
Comparison between DE and Don Quijote. The fifth column is from anarchism. Ravachol and anarchism. Revachol, Estonia and Geopolitics, Mackinder said 'Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland'
'God does not roll the dice.' War, coincidence and Clausewitz. Language, indeterminacy and Zaum.

What did Robert Kurvitz want to express and achieve with DE? And what he had achieved. And the future of DE. Ugh, my head is starting to hurt... Vrrr... Viva la Revolucién!


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