3969 Reviews liked by LavenzaVantas

The racism allegory in the first half of the game is handled super awkwardly, to the point of being actually racist, and the second part of the game with its quantum mechanics is confusing not because it's intelligent but because it's obtuse. Furthermore, that whole ordeal regarding quantum mechanics and time travel directly conflict with the game's earlier message and intention, making the final product extremely uneven and thematically inconsistent. The twist is also poorly explained and executed.

This is a game that attempted to be shocking and unconventional, yet as shown by the widespread adoration given to it by the mainstream gaming press (undeservingly), it clearly failed. Compare the reception this game had to actually shocking games like Pathologic, and it's clear that in spite of its lofty ambitions to become a part of true art, it's just another piece of soulless, corporate, bland mass-market kitsch. With bad writing and storytelling to boot.

In fact, the story is so horrendous that the (admittedly very fun) gameplay would itself make a better game if it didn't come packaged with any story at all. I could see this game be a decent time-waster if it was just the shooting gameplay with none of the awful story bundled in, but given the prerogative towards enjoying the gameplay is waddling through hours of murky word vomit, the only sensible use for this game is to serve as fuel for the nearest dumpster bin.

Overall Rating: 1/5 (Dumpster Fire)

Really not a fan of Infinite, imo this game is a HUGE downgrade from bioshock 2 and i couldnt give two shits about the story in this one. I do like the setting, the bioshocks games have some awesome world building but i would recommend people to skip this one and just play 1 and 2.

I did not get smarter between playing bioshock and bioshock infinite, but ken levine definitely got dumber

not only is the writing in this game just like astoundingly off base in every possible way that's all been very well documented but it's also just like at its absolute best the world's most boring fps and at its worst the world's most frustrating fps, there's absolutely nothing going on here that's worth anything


I swear the gaming media was seduced by the pretty skyboxes back when this came out and we were all collectively tricked into thinking this was good because of the graphics and the "twist" at the end and the "thoughtful" commentary on racism. Ugh.

Pretty city in sky though, and I like the soundtrack, so here's your participation trophy you absolute piece of garbage.

This game dares to ask the question “are anti-racists just as bad as racists?”

when I develop erectile dysfunction and can't give my wife a daughter I'm also just gonna blame it on all the cool time traveling I did

this was my video game reality check. i am a better person having played this, but it was simple happenstance. it is my own grand disappointment with this game that shook me out of so much of my adolescent idiocy. now i'm an even more stupid adult. amazing.
today, i don't know what i think about it.

this game is a racist nightmare with absolutely nothing worthwhile to say and doesn't even have the good graces to be fun. it's like a cake secretly full of salt instead of sugar: pretty, but absolutely repulsive.

There were incest vibes, right? It's not just me?

"bro, you just gotta play it for 8-10 hours, that's when you finally unlock the parts of the game that let you Alt+Tab into your twitch chat of choice and not pay attention to the game anymore, that's when it finally gets good"

Bought and refunded it like 3 times, 4th time was the charm and this game clicked for me, New Blood continues to work wonders. The world is not ready for when this game is actually finished.

Ultrakill feels like it was developed entirely in one night by a dude who snorted a bunch of cocaine, kept saying "you know what would be really sick?" and was right every time

Angels: Please stop pogging we're scared.
Poggers Robot: No.

oh god I hope the steak I'm cooking isn't gonna turn out raw

the steak in question: