3912 Reviews liked by LavenzaVantas

You ever try being a nice person and accidentally become Catholic

Don't trust anyone who hates Yukari
Their personality is just going to be Yukari but actually malicious and worse

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita
Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte sugu yoko de waratteita nakushitemo
Torimodosu kimi wo I will never leave you

Rabbids Travel in Time 3D has left me bewildered. Bewildered as to why I even own this uninspired, unpolished, and essentially unfinished game in the first place.

Rabbids Travel in Time 3D manages to be far too easy with a touch of bullshit sprinkled within. While some levels could be completed by a four year old in a matter of seconds, some seemingly easy stages are quite challenging to complete due to the game's janky physics engine.

There is no incentive to conserve health or complete any of the bonus stages, as health pickups are far too common within every stage, allowing the player to tank through any obstacle, and the bonus stages give minimal to no rewards (limited to more rubber ducky points or whatever they're called).

The game runs out of collectibles too quickly. After completing only three out of the four worlds, I collected enough rubber ducky points to unlock every collectible trophy, and the costumes run out just as quickly. After maybe three stages in each world I had unlocked all the costumes respective to each setting.

Lastly, the ending is atrocious. After completing all four worlds, the player is rewarded with-- an unnecessary cutscene.

1/5. Almost no originality or redeeming qualities. Higher than a .5 for not screwing anything up, but the game didn't even try to do something new.

he has a fuckin GUN dude this game is so fucking funny i love these mid-period sonic games they make Sonic cuss in this one it's incredible

Where's that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald?!

When this game came out, the world loved it and hailed it as a masterpiece, and I sat by on the sidelines feeling as though I were taking crazy pills for thinking it was such a massive piece of shit. Thankfully time has vindicated me and more people are now willing to look back on this overrated trash with the critical thrashing it should have received when it dropped on the gaming world back in 2013.

Perhaps the epitome of boring, linear, two-weapon stop-and-pop shooters in a generation defined by boring, linear, two-weapon stop-and-pop shooters, Bioshock Infinite manages to stand head and shoulders above the crowd by being morally repugnant, cowardly, and stupid all at the same time. Too afraid to take a stance on slavery of all things, Bioshock Infinite asserts that the moment the oppressed picks up a gun to fight their oppressor, they are Just As Bad. This juvenile view of justice seems to be a critique of political extremes but ironically casts a shadow over the founding of its country of origin, not to mention, uh, The Civil War. You know, that one that freed all the black people in America? That one.

The cherry on top is that the story is nonsensical garbage riddled with plot holes and predicated on a misunderstanding of how the many worlds theory works. Ken Levine admitted as much in an interview, saying he decided to write a game about quantum mechanics "because they make him feel stupid for not understanding them." You're probably already putting this together in your head, but writing a plot about a field of science you do not understand is probably not a good idea.

Oh well. At least the gameplay is good, right?


Gameplay is great but have you ever be asked if slaves were evil for trying to get freedom? Lmao narrative is dogshit and deserves to be called dogshit

One of the quintessential examples of a perfect remake. My only large complaint is the game telling you where to go at almost every point, but honestly if you ignore those pointers the game is actually a lot more open than it seems to be. Still lots of sequence breaking opportunities, still replayable as hell. Easily one of the best Metroid games.

beating this makes you braver than any US marine

This happened to my buddy Eric


If You Talk About How Games "Aged Badly" I'm Fucking Stealing Something Out Of Your House

i like how this game tricks me into feeling like it's an open world even though I should know better because it's an old game it shouldn't be so immersive but it is more games should be like this