It may be a simple RTS game, but I still really liked it as an introduction to the genre for me. Definitely helped that I really love the series as a whole and the universe the game is set in.

This game is only a 5 for me just for the fact it has 5 games on it for me, with them being absolute bangers individually and altogether. The launch was rough, but after being led in the right direction, this collection has really been polished to a high degree.

The universe for this series is my favorite in science fiction, which is what makes the handling of this game all the more sad. The gameplay is truly fun and while there's some stuff from older games I miss, there is definitely a good foundation for gameplay here.

However, the handling of this game in its' heavy monetization, plentiful broken promises, lack of dlc and overall unfinished nature has made this such a poor entry in the series. The battle pass is horrendous and this game is plagued by poor management on the highest end as well as a revolving door of staff. This game is only now almost looking like the game it should have been at launch, 2 years ago. The game should have been delayed for a good while if this is the best they can do, but I have a feeling this was mainly an issue caused by corporate heads.

I love Halo, but this game was just infinitely disappointing.

I honestly don't know why I slogged through the game.

It's Risk. However I played one particular game with my friends, and well...

I'll never play risk again.

Fighting game chess. Absolutely brilliant. More fun with mods, but the base 4 characters I played with are plenty fun too. Seeing the end result in a fast paced anime fight and knowing you helped choreograph that masterpiece with someone else is my favorite part of the game for me.

This is my first real try at the series, but I gotta say that I really do enjoy the game. Probably my favorite training mode I've ever seen in a fighting game and I like to see the abomination avatars people make whenever I hop online. The music is pretty darn good and the characters have a lot of personality, especially the classics. The rollback netcode is phenomenal and I love how easy they have made it to learn the game. They really do give you everything to learn the game inside and out.

This is actually one of the 2 games I dove into to learn fighting games for once in my life, and I fell in love with it so very hard. I literally played against my best friend for 4 months straight before I could even take a game off him, because I had that much fun playing. The game is truly a big knowledge check as a whole and there's a lot of legacy info that carries over for players that used to play, but the gameplay is so, so deep. For a player that loves to learn and likes memorable characters, this is a great game.

My only suggestion is to pick whoever you like and stick with them from the start. You'll get more out this game by playing with a character you vibe with, rather than picking an "easy" option to learn the game. (Unless of course, you like the easy character)

Fun little game with silly characters. I never really took it seriously, but it was still fun to mess around with friends.

It's the horny fighting game, let's be honest. But it is good and is balanced rather uniquely. 6-button team fighter as a forewarning in case that's a turn off. Obviously the art is verrry good and the animations are smooth. I also really like the music.

Potential, potential, potential. That's all I really have to say about it. I'm just looking forward to it's actual release, I'd have to say. Looks like it could be a really deep and unique platform fighter.

Rough start honestly, especially for its "rollback" netcode. The game beginning out without voice clips for its iconic characters was a real letdown at first. It's a shame, because it might take forever for me to get around to playing it again even though it had quite a few quality of life updates since launch. I wish it the best even though it might be a little too late for me, because the devs made slap city and that was a fun game as well.

While I'll never forgive this series for causing a lot of my favorite animes to only ever get games of their own in this inflated subgenre of fighting games, I still love this game. It's a fun way to see some of my favorite moments again with me being a part of it.

This review was written before the game released

Yet another platform fighter with a great concept. Some of the characters feel like I'm having fun sometimes, but this game is way way too floaty for my liking. This more than any other platform fighter I've played feels like I'm pointing in the general direction of the enemy and pressing a button. It's fun with friends and that's about where I would take it.

However, the biggest problem with the game is the way it's been handled by Warner Bros. You mean to just announce it was a beta, after charging basically full price to play early, then also have battle passes and blocking most characters monetarily? Then also take it completely off the market claiming it was all just a beta when there was no real indication before? Nope, nope nope. Terrible greedy design and a horrible version of "games as a service" .

Well, it could have been playable at one point. Great concept, terrible execution.