This game is a mess, but it's funny and that's what matters. It really just boils down to a more fun rock, paper scissors though.

I can never win, but I was never able to stop coming back. I'm horrible at being a disease.

It's magic the gathering so I both love and hate this game.

But it's also waayyyyyyyyyyyy cheaper to play than in real life so that's a major plus. Also more realistic to experience the whacky chains cards can create along with seeing a battlefield full of tokens, so that's really fun.

I love this game whenever I feel the need to mindless kill mass amounts of orcs. Always better with a friend too. Make them kill rooms, boys.

A cutesy tower defense chuck full of content for people who like tower defense games. This is probably my favorite tower defense

Look, I get it. You seen the intense fans everywhere and they're about as toxic as they get. Game however, is genuinely nice. For its time, it was pretty unique and brought back classic tropes kinda forgotten in the modern era and the way the game interacts with your choices was refreshing.

There's 20 odd endings depending on what you do, and I just chose to be a pacifist twice and then I dropped it. I felt no need or want to be mean to these mostly likeable fellows.

I didn't get into this game at launch, though I heard issues about it. However, now that I have played it I just really have fun. Idk if it's because I'm just a fan of spellcasting a lot, but the game is just really fun to mess around in and be overpowered. If you expected it to not really have guns and are turned off that the game is not more Dungeons & Dragons oriented, then I understand if this was a disappointment, but this is Bunkers & Badasses man.

Borderlands humor is still there and the story is overall pretty silly. I just really liked being able to customize my character and go ham with the leveling. My only big gripe is that you can't change your starter class, but the secondary class is easy enough to change after beating the main story.

Also the postgame stuff is a real kick in the nuts if you want to go for it, so expect having to grind at that point.

I don't care if I'm biased or not, this game is just one of my favorites ever. Yes, it's a broken buggy mess especially by today's standards but it will always have me coming back to it almost at least once a year. The music is timeless, and the characters are so nostalgic. A lot of the level theme-ing is really good and I'll never get tired of coming back to this game.

Also, chao garden is fireeee.

A nice, rather short story. Play if you want the warm fuzzies.

As good as Marvel's Spiderman, but it definitely feels more like a big DLC rather than a full fledged game. Still great to play though, just not for full price.

Mmmmm, good combat and great character growth for a childhood favorite. Love the scene change into the Norse mythos. Great music and setting too so you can feel like the badass Kratos.

I had fun in my youth with this game. I think my favorite part is just being able to unleash a squad of assassins on your enemies while you sit back and watch the carnage. Pretty standard take in the franchise before it got overblown and became the call of duty of Ubisoft tower games.

Zombie survival sim and the way I play, it's pretty relaxed. The game is as easy or as hard as you want it to be.

I love this whacky looking spooky game. Only with friends though, I ain't got the spine for it alone. I also just like watching it be played because I like seeing other people be scared.

What can I say. This game is the most meaningful and biggest crossover in existence. Sakurai and his team's last big goal for the late Satoru Iwata. They did a great job. This game is surprisingly well balanced for such an enormous cast of characters and did really well at creating one of the best dream rosters for such a large variety of players. With music and characters spanning such a wide umbrella of videogames, there is truly someone to play for everyone. This game is such an amazing achievement in scope and scale and I'm happy to have made many of my close friends through this game at its' launch date.

My only real gripes are that a lot of the fighters pass characters ended up being pay to win, especially in the 2nd wave, but that's all really. There are so many household names and forgotten gems in this game, it is truly a masterpiece as a whole even if these days I play its older cousin more.