I played this, Super Metroid and Fusion for the first time this year within about a month. This one was easily my favorite of them. It was the best paced, had the best/most memorable boss fights, and I felt it did the best job of guiding the player with where to go next without reaching Fusions level of handholding.

Big surprise for me considering I tried a few hours of the devs previous Metroid (Samus Returns) and dropped it because I found it mediocre.

A masterpiece. I enjoyed Housemarques previous works and knew they were excellent but their first try at a bigger title was even better then I could have imagined. It retained their excellent arcadey bullet hell style gameplay while moving into a 3D space, and making it a rogue like just made it more addictive for me. It also had a couple of my favorite game moments this year which I won't spoil here. Really looking forward to any DLC or whatever Housemarques next game is.

The best story in a game this year. Fantastic writing. Please give this a chance and go in blind if you can.

Better then the main game but not a high bar.

I marathoned all the Trails games I could find in English while furloughed due to Covid. Not only my favorite in that series but its become one of my favorite JRPG's ever even with the sub-par fan translation.

Great game. Played with the geofront translation.

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Fucking Jeff

Big disappointment for me. Only reason I give it 2.5 stars instead of even lower is due to some quality of life improvements for multiplayer.

I don't think they'll have the balls to have no old pokemon until post game again but I'm thankful they managed to pull it off this once.

Really interesting/refreshing choice to do a sequel instead of a 3rd version. Full of content. Especially post game.

The definitive gen 2 experience. Easily the most packed post game the series has had. Copy and pasted the Sinnoh Battle Frontier but I'm not complaining.

Also shoutout to pokeathlon and the pokewalker lol

Platinum made Sinnoh my favorite region (ignoring HM's. Fuck those).

The water routes were annoying as hell. Not many memorable moments for me either. Avoids being one of my least favorites because they've dropped the ball so hard the last for most of the 3d games.

I like it better the R/S but the lack of emerald content just makes me wonder what could have been and get sad. That said I do like the new content they did add at least.

Gen 2 ruled. Going to Kanto for the post game was mindblowing when I played as a kid.