Very simple, pretty short (as the name implies), but it plays fine and it has its moments

"What if Celeste had a bad camera and Madeline looked like a marketable plushie?"

A pretty cool concept well executed.
Even if some of my guesses were somewhat random, I'm still surprised I managed to find everyone witheout ever cheating, wich is a testament about how well designed this game is given how that task seems daunting at first.
Special mention to the immaculate sound design too : the contrast between the noisy past and the silencious present is definitely one of the most memorable aspect of the game for me.

Then again, if this is clearly a very well-made game, I don't see the masterpiece everyone else claim it is. Maybe it's my expectations were too high, but I found the story to be fine, but nothing else, although the said story is told doesn't help. I also expected more "memorable moments" : the kind of scenes that stay with you even years after playing the game. While I think our first vision of The Doom and the monkey paw fits that category (if you know you know), I guess it's still not enough for me.
Plus a few answers are pretty bullshit, let's be real.

Still, if someone asked me for a game that will make them feel smart, there's no doubt I'll recommend them that one.

Man I love that scene where James sais "It's over John Silenthilltm : I understood your symbolism!" and then Pyramid Head kills himself.

(played the Enhanced Edition)
Yeah I can see why everyone is crazy about that one. The atmosphere and ennemy designs is immaculate, the story really good and allows a lot of different interpretations, even if its fans tend to push it really far. Gameplay was pretty enjoyable too, the tank controls being less of an issue that I thought (the only game with similar controls I ever played is Resident Evil on gamecube and maybe MGS Twin Snakes, and I remember having a lot more trouble for these). Silent Hill is a truely fascinating place to explore, wich is easily this game's greatest achievement.

I will say, however, that it's way less scary that I thought it would be. If anything, I'd say it's almost more funny, with ennemis jumping out of bushes like if there was a trampoline hidden inside and the voice cating wich is really something. But then again, people will argue that Jame's deadpan deliveries are a representation of how much he's dead inside or something so what do I know?
This game's surprisingly easy too. I played it on normal difficulty, and if the puzzles were quite challenging, combat was never and issue thanks to the very abuntant ressources and really slow ennemies. Bosses are the only exception : while they aren't the most mechanically interesting, they at least pose a challenge.
I wouldn't mind if it was at least a bit longer too.

Oh and the Maria episode is neat

Pretty average puzzle game.
The controls don't feel super great on the PC version, and the puzzles themself aren't anything mindlowing, but these "open the box" puzzles are inherently fun enough to make this game pleasant to play by default.
It looks good, and the atmosphere is gripping despite the soundtrack being comprised of only one theme.
The story, however, may be its weakest point. The premise is alright, albeit a tad generic, but it devolves into nothing interesting and the ending is exceptional for how much an unsatisfying sequel-bait it is.
Overall a somewhat decent time but I don't think I'll ever pick up its sequels.

Definitely see why it was so beloved back when the original came out : the atmosphere is on point, the visuals are really impressive both for a 2002 game and for a switch remaster, and building such a non-linear metroidvania in 3D sure is a feat. Unfortunately the combat is pretty bad, the backtracking required is ridiculous and never in a Metroid did I ask myself "where tf do I go now" so often.
While I really liked it, all of those faults prevent it from being one of my favourite metroids, and prevent me from seeing it as the intemporal masterpiece like so many do.

Man I love having to cover a super-long and distance with no food, unprecise controls, dangerous ennemies and a time limit.

I really love some elements of this game, and I get why so many people love it : the environments are gorgeous, the atmosphere on point, and the concept of a "metroidvania" with a living ecosystem where you play as your own part of the food chain is simply brilliant.
Unfortunately the frustrating controls, inherent unfairness and obscure mechanics all combined prevent me from appreciating this game as much as I'd like to, and that second trip to the Shaded Citadel was the last straw (pretty huge straw I must admit).

I'd still recommand it if it looks interesting to you but it truely saddens me that it wasn't for me.


It's Snake!
It's BreakOut!
It's free!
It's fun!


Not perfect but probably the best Castlevania ever made

One of the best 2D plateformer of the last decade