The perfect conclusion to the Telltale Sam & Max series, It improves on the other games in gameplay and scope incredibly while doubling down on the charm that made people fall in love with the series in the first place, may we meet again some day, Freelance Police!

A beautiful remaster to one of the best point and click series ever, if you like your black comedy light and your antics zany, there's no better series than this.

A wonderfully comedic entertaining experience coming from the idea of stepping back from Saints Row and thinking "What could we do to be more than just the wackier GTA clone?"
In the genre of GTA clones, this is probably the best one, including GTA itself, please give this game a good shot!

An almost there sequel to one of the best games of all time, 2 fails at level design but succeeds in not only fleshing out the world of Hotline Miami even more but by also asking the question of what it means to be a sequel, and sending it off with, well, a boom.

My personal favorite in the 2D sonic series, the Time Travel mechanic whilst finnicky to use is incredibly cool past the immediate novelty, and the soundtrack is killer.

A surprisingly enjoyable run through a setting not touched often in games, "Rural America" Far Cry 5 sets a high standard that future entries will fail to meet for quality and just fun in open-world gameplay, if you can stomach other Far Cry games even remotely, I recommend at least a few hours with this.

A bit of a sluggish yet charming experience spanning a story about smuggling, but coming out of it the only thing you'll probably end up remembering is an INSANELY slow end over a debate about extraterritorial rights, but as with all entries in this series I do recommend playing it.

My personal favorite in the amazing series that is the first 4 Ace Attorney games, What it lacks in, well, Phoenix Wright is made up for with lovable characters, amazing artwork and incredible soundtracks, and some amazing writing.
Please, play this series!

This game is a fucking travesty and the damage it has done to the video game genre has been a huge scar in the shape of an open world, it's really a shining example of everything that was completely wrong with the game industry in its time and the years after.

You've got
- The masculine urge to make your games realistic even if they can't feasibly pull the look off, or just generally look ugly.
- Bear ass collecting, pretty sure Todd Howard said one of his favorite quests was the one with the stupid fucking stones.
- Mind numbingly boring gameplay, everything handles like shit and is unfun to use and imprecise, but it doesn't matter because all the NPCs in the game have the behavior of a lobotomy patient.
- Writing that an AI could out-skill and outpace, can you remember any moment from this game that wasn't the generic shit of "KILL DRA GON GO TO VAL HAL LA SUCK DISGUSTINGLY UGLY KING'S BALLS"
- Buggier than an anthill.
- Having like 3 voice actors but no casual player can tell because they're playing through their TV speakers and the dog is barking.
- Anything neat needs to be heavily scripted (because otherwise the games engine would fall apart)

The fact that you can mod out like 50-60% of what makes the game so awful, and it's still shit is a statement to how awful this game is, it's like Fallout 4 without any guns.

Props for eventually supporting mod developers by even adding support on consoles, even though it'll never be good due to them being walled-garden shitboxes, but they're just doing it because it's the only reason any of their games have any staying power.

I'm not sure where Bethesda gets off not only buying out a very well crafted series only to drive it into the ground with 2 bland entries that progressively suck more and more at telling stories, with the most outlandishly bad writing with incredibly poor personalities.
Just hand the series over to Obsidian, they at least knew how to write a game that at least had a hint of the same style that the original 2 did.

This game is decently fun to go with, especially with a friend but fails miserably as a Dead Rising game being trivial in difficulty and lacking a lot of the style and tough but engaging gameplay that the series is known for, as lovable as Nick is as a character.

Curious how it takes an entirely different company to hit the writing out of the park for the Borderlands series, regardless this is an incredibly entertaining must-play for any Borderlands fan, or Telltale fan in general.

A beautiful remaster to one of the best action adventure games ever made, I would easily consider this to be the definitive version of this game.
If you haven't played this at all, you're missing out on some of the most creative dungeon designs in the industry as well as some of the most beautiful yet iconic moments in any game ever, while having plenty to discover, this game is one of the few that does truly feel like an actual adventure.

In a series I'm not really a fan of, Ultimate disappoints me incredibly just for offering the least so far in terms of solo content and goodies to sort through in respect to the series it features in its cast.
If you're someone who's a fan of the gameplay of the series it probably won't get much better than this (other than Melee, but that's another discussion) but past that I would only recommend this game over 64.

A genuine masterpiece in puzzle gameplay, managing to make something incredibly basic force you to think outside of the box to overcome all kinds of puzzles, all while balancing Valve's master class "show don't tell" writing while making sure there's still a story to speak of.