60 Reviews liked by Leavened

basically unlimited content. kinda like minecraft in that sense but a lot less reliant on mods and has actual emergent gameplay

A great take on Tolkien in MMORPG form

Was honestly surprised at how accurate the maps seemed to be, also a bit nostalgic.

While the combat may not be as fun as most modern MMOs being a bit "dated", it's another world that's fun to explore, especially being a fan of Tolkien's work

I remember it being a decent WoW clone back when I played it like 10 years ago in my LoTR phase

i wish i was good at this game :(

The conclusion of the Ezio trilogy is still pretty fun, but by this point, the cracks were starting to show. The rush to make yearly releases and grow the franchise ever more meant that this, the game preceding ACIII, showed clear signs of being rushed. And it's only downhill from here.

An incredible way to end a childhood series that always got laughs out of me. Alongside incredible remasters of the classic games, Completing the Mission had be laughing constantly and wanting to see more. The additions content and secrets are super fun to go through as well. A must-buy for the people who enjoyed the original Flash games.

absolutely love this game, it has the right learning curve that makes you want to go back and try again, you always know what you did wrong and where to improve. the secret ending was such a blast to learn and master, and i just completed the journal 100%. one day i want to 100% the achievements and fully complete it, thats how much i love this game

Beat King Yama/the TRUE ending so now I can finally retire. Almost cried when I was greeted by Yang after 90+ hrs. and 711 deaths. A wonderful, wonderful (and HARD but fair) game. Can't wait for the second one to completely break me.

With mods, it's 5 stars without a doubt. The modders make this game. Without mods and expansion packs, the base game is a snorefest that's not worth any time. Get it when it's free or on sale with either the Seasons or Pets expansion pack, then mod the hell out of it...

Without a trace of irony, my favorite game. It was, and still is, an expansive, creative and awesome experience. It has changed my life in many ways, and these last updates have made this game even better. Yeah, it's popular. YEAH, IT'S GOOD.

This game doesn't really know whether it wants to be progression based with base building and fighting or a roguelike with permadeath. Losing 3hours worth of progress because of Deerclops feels pretty bad, permadeath doesn't go very well with the long runs. My friends and I got bored so we dropped it for the time being (maybe forever)

Strategy game that is pretty easy to understand but has some very challenging levels. Does a great job of immersing one into the world of Middle-earth with two great campaigns, especially the intriguing evil campaign that counters the film based good campaign.

I use to finish up online class, do homework, and then hop on with some friends online to play this game with it half the time being a full party. Pretty much this was the only team shooter game I could play with friends since they didn't want to play Overwatch. Game is okay, but I hate how much it crashes when I'm only like two games in. Toxicity is a thing, not surprising there. I much rather prefer playing overwatch where I can change my character depending on the enemy team composition. In paladins if your team consist of skilled characters, and the enemy just has a full team of brain dead characters, 90% of the time you'll lose.