One of the best co-op causal to play, best option for people who want to enjoy games with someone who aren't good at them

the art style, music, gameplay will remain timeless.

Keep in mind that I played an Enhanced version via Steam workshop...

Sonic 3D blast is underrated, the heavy focus on exploration really reminds me of Sonic CD, the idea of saving flicks was probably the thing that stuck out.

Boss fights were also not bad with of course great music like Boss Battle 2 (You should take a listen)

Levels are unique in design. My only problem is that this game is kinda sicking to play sometimes, like the perspective and the ground titles don't work with the player in mind

The best way to play the original trilogy back before company's made remasters or collections.

Just a solid bundle, with some neat choices like Sonic 3D blast, and Sonic Pinball

This is the weaker bundle of course when comparing to Sonic Mega Collection, but has some "Gems" which deem it worthy of playing.

Of course the main course is Sonic CD, Sonic R, Sonic the Fighters, to start with Game that everyone hates after watching Jontron's Video on Sonic R.

So to be honest, I am the polar opposite of the general opinion on Sonic R with the controls (the main "issues" with the game), now I will agree that they're unorthodox if you played something like Mario Kart but let give my in depth thoughts on it.

The controls are fine, just look at tilting the stick as soft turning and pushing the triggers for sharper turns

The constant hitting walls doesn't really hinder you at all, yeah you bounce but it not really frustrated me at all

The real issues are the lack of tracks (because of the horrible time crunch the developers had to endure)

Sonic R is solid and shouldn't be judge too hard

and for Sonic the Fighters, it's cool. I came for Sonic R & I already have Sonic CD on Steam

Also Tail's Adventure was fun

Enjoyable (depends on the season of course, the best being season 1-3 for balance and for the worst is 100% season 8 with Mauga's pay to win nonsense)

Outside of those variables, the game is enjoyable with great lore and designs for the characters, the fact that the OW team is climbing to improve the game after the return of CC now called Soft CC, weaker mythic skins with less options to customize, and the dreadful PVE cancellation.

And even though, many people will cover this game's pitfalls and laugh at it's failures, I still believe that after 3 years of no content during OW1, that OW2 will continue holding that torch of the glory of 2016-2018. Hope it gets better from here

Best Hero Shooter in terms of balance, Depth (via builds & talents), & fixes major issues which should've killed this game

My problems with Paladins is of course the game is a little... messy with cosmetic bugs, the fact it has both a battlepass and loot boxes, and it's under shitty Hi-Rez

My issues don't ruin the game, I hope one day Evil Mojo can leave these annoying aspects and Hi-Rez all together

Better than all DMC games

Awesome Dante (DMC Devil May Cry): Drinks, Bangs middle age consenting woman, swears cause he's cool

Cringe Anime Dante (Not DMC Devil May Cry): Eats pizza like a 4 year old, has relations with a minor in an anime, overly dramatic

An indie take on Silent Hill's psychological approach to horror

The game was a mod for Half Life 1 which then became a later heavily modified standalone game you can find on Steam.

Fun first person gunplay, limited sprint bar, and limited inventory
(This game can be for hardcore survival horror fans that came from the fixed cameras of RE & SH, and newcomers that are interested in the genre without having to deal with limited saves and tank controls which can feel overwhelming)

It's Cat or Bread

You click on the Cat

You avoid the bread

A obscure gem from the saturated RPGmaker horror game genre

Really engaging story/cast, good atmosphere, and really amazing choice of music. For being fairly straightforward in terms of gameplay from puzzle solving to dodging enemy encounters, the story 100% carries the game (which isn't a bad thing, that what RPGs need to do)

A true successor to the Dark Descent

Great decision making like using fuel for the generator, killing rats with your gun, crafting/storing materials in your inventory.

A condensed map with traps, key items, fun optional items, and worthwhile backtracking. Very Resident Evil

If you wanted the Dark Descent to be more gameplay focus than storytelling then you should consider this option

This game proves that you don't need to create a horror shooter like Resident Evil to make a overall enjoyable and engaging horror experience

It also has a great modding community (that still makes custom stories to this day) which makes it worth coming back to this game time and time again