This game is far from perfect, the story is honestly just bad. I usually have no problem connecting with a badly written story or characters, but no characters in this game are interesting. I could probably spend hours just shitting on the story. I honestly don't think there is a reason to do that since IO never intended for the story to be good, they just needed the gameplay to shine.

And the gameplay is fucking gleaming. I love how everything in the game is so dynamic, deciding what items to bring to a map will completely change how you play. It's hard to explain how fantastic the gameplay is to someone who hasn't played the game, it's just brilliant.

But even though I think the gameplay is great, the maps shine in this game. The most important thing for me when playing games is how well-made the map is. And Hitman never disappoints with its maps. Every map is so incredibly well made that it's hard to believe they aren't real places. Sapienza, Chongqing, and Paris are some of the standouts for me. I have spent hours just running around the maps, picking up different items just fucking around.

Like I said in the beginning the game isn't perfect. The story is a complete wet fart and it makes the targets also feel lackluster. I only remember the targets' names on my favorite maps, Colorado? No idea. Miami? No clue. Mumbai? Never heard of them.

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This is probably my favorite Pokémon game of all time, and it's mostly because it never made me feel like what I was doing was pointless. The writers actually seemed to care about the story in this game, compared to other where the story is just a reason to move the player to the next gym battle.

It's characters are also just very well written, in many fangames I find that a lot of the MC's allies are just uninteresting to actively annoying but rejuvenation manages to almost completely step around that. There are characters that I do find to be very annoying, but MOST of them do actually get character development or manage to grow on me. The characters aren't all perfect of course, one of the characters is acknowledged by the game to be completely irrelevant to the main story, maybe it's something to be changed in future versions but I'm not sure. Devs also seem to just have taken a character from Umineko too, Kanon in Umineko is a magical servant who believes that his nr 1 priority in life is to serve his master, and Kanon in rejuvenation is a magical servant who believes that his nr 1 priority is to serve his master.

The story does have some flaws too. Some of the villains are just irrationally evil, but only sometimes. An example is Neved, who tortures a teenager because her dad was rude to him, otherwise Neved is a pretty rational person and one of the more "good" people in the evil team. And for most of the current content you will have absolutely no idea what the goal of the evil team even is.

Overall though, the game is great. Maybe it's because I have played it so much, but if I were to tell a person to only play one pokemon game, this would be it.

This is one of my favorite games to come out recently. As soon as I saw THAT illustration (You know which one) I was hooked. This game tackles so many themes, so many stories, and doesn't fumble with a single one.

The only real criticism I can come up with right now, is that the card system gets VERY boring, but the option to turn them off and just do dice rolls instead is a blessing to the games replayability.

I love the setting of this game, being able to play as real people I've never heard of and completely change the course of their lives is awesome. But the game is so incredibly shallow, there is no difference between playing as the emperor over all of India, and the duke of Cornwall. VERY few regions in this game have depth and paradox only adding it through DLC is just shitty.

The UI is also horrible, it has zero customizeabillity and it gives you notifications and windows for the most useless stuff. Yes, my character isn't married by 16 years old because I don't want my heir to be 80 year old leprosy ridden idiots. The longest reigning king in history, Louis the 14th, reignd for 72 years, most ck3 rulers can rule for a decade longer, it is so hard to get killed or couped in this game that it really makes it incredibly boring.

If you're going to play this, just use mods.

My favorite grand strategy game by a clear margin. Has tons of flavor and really made me want to learn more about history. Shame that it's horrible if you don't pay for more than a decade of dlc releases.

This game is just hard to finish, I like open world games but I don't get why studios are so hellbent on making them larger and larger. This is one of the examples where it is just too big. All the regions being split up between different "factions" of the resistance just doesn't work for me, most of the resistance leaders are also not very charming or interesting to interact with and all kinda act the same.

I also really dislike the jury-rigged weapon customizations and the backpack especially.

Hope county is amazing in this game, it is so fun to explore it after the nukes and it becomes such an incredibly different experience. The biggest problem is the gameplay, Far cry just shouldn't be an RPG. It is so satisfying how squishy the player and the enemies are in the older games, while in this one they take such an incredibly long time to kill.

Montana is overall a setting that I don't like very much, one thing I loved about the settings in these games are that they are so exotic compared to where I live, but forests and plains is something that I see every single day.

The story is about the same as the 4th game for me, Joseph is a great villain and the whole cult feel so wonderfully evil. Side characters are actually pretty fun, not interesting at all but they are still pretty charming.

I personally loved having to craft your own weapons during combat, it really makes this game stand out compared to others and made you pay more attention to enemy placement and where you had thrown your spears. The problem with this game is that it makes the stealth extremely easy. If you unlock the ability to let the owl do takedowns every single camp becomes a cakewalk with a strong companion like the saber cat.

The fact that none of the dialogue is in english also makes the story hard to follow even though there are subtitles. Story is also very mediocre, the main character has even less personality than the other main characters in this series and it just ends up making the story more bland than it already was.

This game is great, only reason it's not five stars is because Holt and the whole second act is noticeably worse than Vaas and the first act.

This is my favorite game of all time, it is also one of the first games I ever played so this is probably mostly nostalgia.

The biggest reason I love this game is because of the setting. Kyrat is the most beautiful setting I've ever played in, and then it also has Shangri-la added onto it. If I had the choice for one game to get updated to modern graphics, it would be this.

The story is completely okay, I don't think it's really anything special at all and characters like Bhadra desperately need more screentime.

Gameplay is fantastic, the feeling of running between cover while desperately looking for ammunition is great and it is pretty punishing. Of course the whole thing can be circumnavigated by the stealth which lets you breeze through encounters. I really wish that the movement could be slightly more dynamic, but then it wouldn't really fit the setting unless the Shangri-la trips gave AJ powers or something.

I wish I could say that this game has a great or interesting story, but it never attempts to set up an interesting problem or mystery. The whole game before the endgame is just the player doing tasks because you can and aside from finishing the game there is no incentive to do the main quest.

It also runs horribly on the ONLY console it released on, I can't come up with any reason for why gamefreak would develop a game that barely runs. Like the pokemon though.

This game is surprisingly good but still has major flaws. I don't really plauy racing games but the driving in this game is extremely fun, only if you like drifting though.

The biggest problems are the maps, it is very easy to get stuck or just fall of the map because the ai accidantaly bumped you, one thing i do like is that recovering from falling of the map is very fast and you can get back into the race very easily.

The game isn't bad, overworld is beautiful and for the first couple of hours it feels great to explore. Problems start AFTER those first hours though. There are very few fun or interesting quests to complete and the shrines are extremely lame attempts at puzzles.

The combat is also bad, once you learn flurry rush it's a cakewalk. The only thing holding the player back from destroying every enemy encounter is weapon durability.

The game is great in the first two acts, easily a five star. But the third act drops the ball so extremely hard it's upsetting. Performance is just horrible in the third act, even on my pretty old pc who could run the first two acts perfectly fine.