25 reviews liked by Leramar

Disappointing. Loved Golf Story.

Felt unfinished, buggy, and lacking direction. Golf is the the only decent sport to play and you don't get to play enough of that.

Second worst game I played in 2023



This game felt like going to see a Nirvana tribute band, only to find Kurt Cobain's mutilated corpse strung up by the overhead railing like a marionette, Fender Mustang bolted to the rotten meat that long ago were once his hands.

This Game is the definitiv way to play Spyro. But dann...i hate these flying levels.....

Es quizá junto al segundo mi entrega favorita, me hubiese gustado jugarlo después porque podría jugar como Majima, que gracias a Zero el personaje me encantó. Es larguísimo y lleno de acción y una historia que me encantó. Simplemente GOD

Perfect game. One of a kind. Amazing in every way. Writing, story, visuals, music, art direction, voice acting, character design. This game is the peak of gaming for everyone who enjoys games for what they are. If you enjoy reading, making thoughtful decisions, having an impact, figuring out who you are as a person or you just want to fulfil your fantasy of being a drunk cop, This is your game.

Loved this as a kid, still liked it alot when I played it a few years ago. I genuinely like this more than Mario Kart. You can play this single player with more enjoyment imo because it's a story mode. The characters are also better because you can be Timber.

For me this is the best From Software game. The atmosphere and level design are on point. Gameplay feels better than Dark Souls or Elden Ring, because it focuses on your engagement in combat. It encourages you to maintain an aggressive play style since a decent amount of bosses can be staggered by successive attacks. The parry/counter system also works better, because it is an integral part of combat and not some wonky shield waving. At last also the story is pretty cool and also comprehensible, even if you don‘t want to read item descriptions all the time, which is also a weakness of other Souls games.

sooo goood im injecting this game into my veins