Cute and relaxing M.C. Escher based puzzle game. A couple of head scratchers here and there but overall a pretty chill experience.

Balatro has the familiarity of poker, the addictiveness of roguelikes and the satisfaction of deckbuilders all wrapped up into one package. It's a brilliant game that I've been sinking unhealthy amounts of time into and loving every second.

A very unique and oddly addictive rogue-like/deck builder/auto battler RPG. Really liked it.

More fantastic Amid Evil, although it's kind of short and has no major changes to the existing game.

The two new weapons are cool additions to your arsenal and being able to take them into the base game is a nice touch. The bigger maps were also fun to navigate and explore.

Although it's usually overshadowed by Quake 1, Quake 2 is still a great game in itself. With the recent remaster this old gem shines like it used to back in the 90's.

The inclusion of the expansions and the N64 version are very welcome. The new expansion is also great. Well worth a try if you're a fan of boomer shooters.

Enjoyable dieselpunk metroidvania. Interesting world-building, weighty combat and great soundtrack. Kind of drags on towards the end and has some punishing difficulty spikes at certain points. But still had a good time overall.

Intriguing sci-fi drama. Overall I liked it but I found it was often hard to figure out what you had to do next. Also the ship was a bit disorienting to navigate.

(Note: I played v1.0.5)

Enjoyable and chill alchemist game, love the art style as well. Although it does become a real slog by the end when you need to make the advanced potions, salts and the Philosopher's Stone.

As of writing this there are new updates coming that will supposedly rework the leveling system and hopefully make it less grindy. Will likely check back in on it later to see what's changed.

Cute and satisfying puzzle/platformer where you play as a spider and use webs to travel around and solve problems. kind of short but still well worth a play.

Eerie and compelling point-and-click story game. Liked the pixel art a lot too.

I never had a PS1 as a kid so I don't have the same nostalgia for these games as others might. That being said I had a good time with these old-school collectathons.

Some of the mini-games in Year of the Dragon were a bit buggy. I don't know if that's a PC only thing or what. It was kind of annoying but not gamebreaking.

Criminally underrated game that really deserves a sequel, but sadly won't get one.

It's basically a cross between the open-world driving/crime games like GTA and Saints Row, with brawler melee fighting and side missions similar to Yakuza. Great characters, voice-acting and a compelling story too.

A bit of jank here and there but nothing game breaking.


I mean, what's left to say? It's the father of first-person shooters. Despite being (at the time of writing this) almost 30 years old it's still a blast to play.

Shame this got taken down from stores. Glad I grabbed it when I did. Duke 3D and the three expansions in one bundle.

"Hail to the king, baby!"

A true classic. Thief 2 took things that didn't quite work in the original game and stripped them out.

Despite it's age nothing quite beats sneaking around, evading guards and killer robots while trying to steal anything of value that isn't nailed down. All the while listening to Garrett's cynical observations.