if u wanna control a cool blob through some boring levels with no map then this is it

At the halfway point of my playthrough for this game I was totally ready to drop the same name pun that everyone else has and damn it to eternal abandonment but after sticking with it till the end, I will say that the game does pick up a bit in the back half with a lot better looking environments and more interesting level design.

It's just a shame that by that point, the game kinda feels numbing to play. You've gotten all the weapons by then, seen all of their super charged soul mode attacks a bunch of times and killed a whole lot of pretty uninteresting enemies hundreds of times and unfortunately that's all there is to it for the rest of the game, it's just the places you get around to killing said dudes is a lot better than the first part of the game.

I also think the Soul Mode mechanic feels a little bit inelegant, the weapon effects are cool but I never felt like I had a good flow with it, like there was never enough enemies in the game to use it constantly and eventually just wasting it on a few enemies and running ahead desperately trying to find other guys. Yeah.

Overall, it's an okay shooter. I think you can do a lot worse than Amid Evil and it does have it's own charm (the way dudes stick to walls after killing them with the Star of Torment weapon is pretty sick) but you can also do a lot better. In an age where 90s style PC shooters are coming out all the time and competition is hot, Amid Evil needs to step itself up so it doesn't become...Amid Other Games In People's Backlogs.


Edit: i almost forgot to say wow the music SUCKS in this holy shit

Never thought I'd say this about a Souls style game but DAMN, what a good ass action game!

The way sword combat is played in this game is thrilling and fast. I love how on your toes you need to be whilst playing this game, especially in boss fights. Sekiro took the offense-focused combat of Bloodborne but instead really made you go in on the enemy. Whilst in Bloodborne you were encouraged to be offensive, you could also hang back a lot and do pokes still. In Sekiro, the addition of the stamina meter for enemies means that if you want to beat guys, you need to be constantly in their face attacking and deflecting all at once. For normal enemies this can feel cool but when you fight a boss like Genichiro, the game reaches a whole other level.

Fantastic combat, great boss fights, some cool vertical level design to prop up the new movement and stealth options. The only things that bring the game down from being top tier is a lack of more fantastical areas, a lack of more adventurous world design and a lack of DLC. Think about it...a DLC with new expanded areas, some stuff to expand the lore, maybe some customisable costumes or a few new weapons....what could have been...


For some reason I had always avoided Quake because I felt like most of the conversation around Quake came more from it's legacy than the actual game itself. The multiplayer and its engine obviously revolutionised the FPS and video-games in general but nay a word heard about the single-player portion of the game.

So I was suprised to find out, upon playing through the new remastered version of the game, that it's actually really good! Like good good! Movement feels great, the level design is more refined than that found in the first Doom game and it feels great to play! My only real complaint would be that the enemies feel a little bit too spongy, especially earlier on, and the weapon selecton is a little limited but other than that; banger of a game! The Genius Of John Romero!

Let down. Game has some real high and low moments for the first two thirds of the game but ends up going downhill after that point. There's some really interesting concepts and cool moments in this game that are just bogged down by the greater whole.

Deadly Premonition has such a reputation for being either the best thing in the world or the worst thing in the world, so when I finished it for the first time I was shocked to find out that it's actually....good.

The characters, jank animations and swerve from twin peaks into anime bullshit at the end are big highlights. Deffo a game you can have a good time playing through with a pal. Also shout out to the surprising number of unique side quests as well.

Now if only the shooting segments weren't actual ass...

What a knockout game! Great boss fights, godlike art presentation and an overall fun level of challenge. You really can't go wrong with a bit of ovva cuppa, eh?

could not give less of a fuck about the single player in this game, all I care about is the online and how fun it was. cops and robbers was GOAT and gta races were amazing griefing simulators on any map with a respawning explosive next to a chokepoint. also just being able to free roam around the city and fuck around with other randos was pretty novel and fun at the time. good times.

Adore it. Such a unique game that makes some really cool uses of its hardware. Cute, happy-go-lucky jumper that always finds a way to get you creatively and literally involved in the game throughout it's 4ish hours of length. It's pretty much a hybrid between a platformer and a cbeebies show that you get to personally direct and star in. Cannot recommend enough.


man, this game was pretty great. was really into the idea of an arcade adventure game from the moment I'd heard of it and it didn't really let down on its promise. fun and frantic from the moment you get mega cursed. good game!

splat me once, shame on you. splat me twice, shame on me.

I was so hyped for this game. It was exciting to see not only a new IP from Nintendo being headed by some of the younger staff but also the style for this game looked off the charts. Really colourful and snappy action based gameplay with top tier character designs and a really diverse and cool OST with metal and hip hop influences.

All that stuff still sticks in the final game, the style of this game impressed me back then and still does today. The unfortunate part is that...the gameplay doesn't really match up to it. The single player campaign kinda feels like a glued together create-your-own-splatoon mode that I never felt too strongly about and the multiplayer suite, whilst being the better of the two, still wore me out over time and never really clicked with me.

It's not that it wasn't fun to play, cus it could at times, i just personally felt like maybe something was missing. Maybe it was another design element to push it over the top, maybe it was more content, maybe it was having actual functional team talk and communication in a team based shooter where your success is based off other people: I actually don't know. Maybe all along this was always destined to be just an alright to good kid focused shooter but I got too suckered in too hard by it's production values. Woomy.