15 reviews liked by Lhuzka

"What if we made a game, but make it the most boring, frustating game of this generation"

Um dos jogos mais importantes, revolucionários, divisores de aguas, vanguardistas, inovadores, influentes...
Dito isso, envelheceu mal em menos de 5 anos

We're reaching previously unheard of levels of dripless

Quite possibly one of the worst experiences a video game can offer in which the previous game is all at once disregarded, constantly referenced to, spring-boarded off of, and completely ignored.

What minor improvements are made to missions, side-jobs, and combat (and I truly mean minor) are more like apologies for what a wet noodle of a game this is.

Bosses are some of the most miserable encounters since they vary from being mediocre to genuinely infuriating. Everything that is said for this games story or philosophy, or what it has to say about Travis is vapid and even if done purposefully so it's still leaves you wondering what the fuck happened to the pitiful loser that drove any interest in the first game.

This game's biggest crime is what they did to Naomi and pretty much every characters re-design good god. It's like they got Eiichiro Oda to purposefully bastardize what good can be found.

Still completely necessary to the KTP collection, even if it takes that to a whole new level of metatext

story not as good as the first, but everything else? hooh

this shit mid as fuck! music crazy as hell tho so it at least gets 2 stars

Lo juge dentro de shenmue

Fechei ele hoje de novo, e nossa… nostalgia é um troço engraçado né? Eu achava o game ÓTIMO, tipo fav, e agora eu não gostei tanto. ^^"

No início o jogo realmente é super divertido. Mas quando você tá muito a frente no game, começa a ser meio chato por ter muitos níveis e fica hard por conta da quantidade de obstáculos. Ai tu escuta o narrador toda hora com "you are doing great" e aí sim ferra completamente a experiência. E olha q eu não tomei game over. xD Acho q só não gosto da voz dele. =P

Além disso, na minha cabeça os chefes eram fodões, e olhando de novo achei eles muito iguais (fora visual) e super fáceis.

Mas, óbvio, vale jogar ainda muito por conta do começo e do estilo diferentão dele. So não sei se recomendo zerar haha.

7/10 not much to say its half life. Visuals are still amazing though. Better than episode 1