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chandler commented on chandler's review of Marathon
@rogueliker system shock dropped either 3 months before marathon or 2 days after it depending on whether or not you consider the floppy release a full and proper version (it lacks a lot of what gives ss its identity and is considered a beta of sorts). either way, i'm not sure what you'd say ss did in the same regard beyond a story-driven narrative. maybe you mean secondary firing modes? though i never credited that to marathon - just bungie in general (it came first in pathways into darkness)

no shade to hl1 though - i think it's as fantastic as anybody else. i just also think it sucks that marathon is so overlooked. ss too for that matter

@straylight i wouldn't call marathon scary personally but it is definitely tense. especially when you haven't saved in a while, you're low on resources and there's a shit ton of aliens groaning in the immediate vicinity. definitely gets me feeling more on edge than half life ever has

8 hrs ago

chandler finished Marathon
you thought halo ce aged poorly?

...then how the hell was bungie utterly outshining that game's level design a whopping 7+ years before it was even conceived?! for a game of so many firsts in first person shooters, it's unnerving how little recognition marathon gets. not to mention how many of its pioneered ideas are often wrongfully attributed to the likes of half life; health stations, friendly npcs and narrative drive, to name a few

more than anything being falsely credited however, i'm upset that this melee combat hasn't been actively replicated by literally every succeeding fps. typically when playing a shooter - especially on harder difficulties - most people start pissing their pants as soon as they fire their last clip. doom with fists only? duke with his shoe? sure, it's been done for challenge's sake, but is it ever optimal?

it is in marathon because your fists don't deal static damage - rather their power increases with speed. on total carnage, the most standard enemy can eat 6 whole pistol rounds before he croaks; that's trivialized to 3 quick meetings between fist and face if you know what you're doing. simply put, punching dudes till they explode is insanely addictive. tell me this isn't the sickest shit and i'll rightfully call you a liar

a few of the levels here would make halo's library check the fuck out (colony ship for sale and eupfhoria most notably) but despite the sadism, i'd call most everything here pretty well designed and memorable thanks to some solid puzzles and smartly-placed save points. weapons are fairly basic, but the alternate firing modes (another bungie-birthed fps mechanic - go figure) help vary things up a good bit. shoutouts to the fusion pistol, flamethrower and whatever the fuck that alien gun is in particular - especially the alien gun because i adore it

narratively, there's definitely stuff of interest being brewed and i'm more invested here than i ever was in the original halo's plot, but i can tell things are just getting started. so onward i go - to durandal...

13 hrs ago

Ideon reviewed Death Stranding: Director's Cut
I spent 10 hours doing deliveries not realizing I wasn't even doing story missions. Besides the great story which isn't worth discussing in a review as everyone should just experience it, the game part is actually really fun. Sure you can do deliveries the same way over and over but that's what caused the game to be misunderstood. You're given plenty of toys to play with and anything can be done if you try it and equip yourself for it. I also just want more single-player games with similar "multiplayer" features its legit the coolest thing.

23 hrs ago

chandler commented on Kago's review of Star Wars: Pit Droids
since it's abandonware, i can post this without breaking any rules:

1 day ago

chandler commented on C_F's review of Ristar
eh it can't be that impressi-

man this does NOT look like an 8-bit game

1 day ago

chandler commented on Depth's review of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
impossible to figure out where to go?

bro you go to the other side of the screen

1 day ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

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