Awfully generic with terrible gameplay to boot, kicking off my horror list with a banger..

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"You think im gonna sympathize with you?"

I absolutely adore the way NieR manages to present its themes. Nier, despite being his own character, has a reason to be nameless. He's pretty much a stand-in for your average video-game protagonist and subsequently, the player as well. Before the true theme of the game begins unravel itself, during the entirety of the first play-through, the Shade's dialogue falls upon deaf ears. Whether or not Nier can understand what they're saying is irrelevant, he does not care because he is completely committed to his own preconceived self righteous notions regarding the conflict, with no regards to the lengths he'll go to.

As to why the player isn't informed, it's to completely immerse you in the mindset of Nier, because ultimately it is as much a criticism of him as it is of you, the player, and your preconceived notions on what constitutes as good and evil. When, during the finale, the camera cuts to a first person view to Yonah and she proclaims "It's you... isn't it?" everything begins to click in that split second, it's a gut-wrenching condemnation of your every self righteous belief held during the entirety of the first ending, and the lengths you went to in order to enact them.

"This girl loves her brother too. just as much as I do."

The only wrong thing Ethan did was not kill more homeless crackheads

I think there’s something to be said about how this game handles It’s open world, while your typical “open world” game consists of a large, barren map that’s there for you to walk from A to B on and occasionally be met with a fetch quest, cancerous collectibles or a “pick your poison” deal from towers and etc, and It’s all there to bloat up the game’s length (see Dying Light’s 2 500 hour ad) meanwhile side activities In SA are widely varied and exist to service the game’s world and help Immerse you Into It, ranging from pimping, Lowrider bouncing, racing, burglary, to gambling, pool, dancing, basketball, shitty arcade games, and gang territory. It’s really fun and helps give a sense of realness to the game’s world. The game also reacts to what you wear although It’s mainly In regards to other gangs or regular NPC’s praising/making fun of you, and you can respond either negatively or positively.

All this aside another thing I am fond of Is the mission variety In this game, for a game with a 100 missions It’s hard to say It ever gets mundane with missions going from drive-by’s to bombing planes from the inside or stealing advanced technology from a military base, my only qualm Is Rockstar’s typical aversion to non-linear ways of solving missions, you either follow their Instructions to a T or you risk quickly failing a mission, shit’s lame. As for the story, the main plot Is okay, where the writing really shines Is the characters, as they’re all unique and hysterical like Woozie, Truth, Toreno and more, even characters with 30 second screen-time end up memorable like Tony the Parrot.

A short and fun experience where the gameplay Is all about the power fantasy of being an Incredibly busted being, It has so many movement options and even more combat abilities and both leave the door open for an exhilarating combat system that makes It so you can approach the same situation In 10 different ways, which leaves me surprised to see so many people resort to playing It like Generic Third Person Shooter ™️ , Ace Combat or Battle City for the NES. And It’s a great Venom wish fulfillment game.

Adrenaline momentum
And I'm not knowin' when I'm
Ever gonna slow up and I'm
Ready to snap any moment, I'm
Thinkin' it's time to go get 'em
They ain't gonna know what hit 'em
(W-w-when they get bit with the)
(I got that) adrenaline momentum
And I'm not knowin' when I'm
Ever gonna slow up and I'm
Ready to snap any moment, I'm
Thinkin' it's time to go get 'em
They ain't gonna know what hit 'em
(W-w-when they get bit with the)

This has to be the gayest story ever penned, how do you get any gayer than falling in love at first sight with a fellow freak, talking to a hot psychiatrist in-depth about the positive effect he and his actions had on you, how he made you feel less lonely, and then passionately singing a Christmas love song that resembles what you think of the relationship you have with him. Yeah it’s safe to say dudes in 2013 weren’t ready for something this based

Ironic that a game who’s plot is about breaking your programming and going against what would be expected of you ends up with a reputation that takes what it presents at face value and twists what it actually is so it could fit the mold of what people expect 7th gen games to be, and this game faces no critical re-evaluation to this day, simply look at that disgrace of a description, in-fact there’s only one other person who appreciates it for what it is and he is the one who recommended this to me in the first place, it seems everyone else is still stuck up on taking the first 45 minutes of this game as gospel for representing everything else it has, failing to recognize that the game acknowledges the doubts a person could have about sci-fi military shooters of that gen because it begins with a section that can’t be anything other than a parody to GoW. Shed away all of that and you have a fantastic shooter underneath with a heartfelt sci-fi story, the variety of weapons on display here are nice and fit whatever playstyle you’d want to go for, there’s also the fact that you can combo with your partner to unleash some devastating attacks, it all flows into one, fluid gameplay system.

TL;DR, it’s not a fucking GoW clone or a cover shooter.

A spy game that has more to it than simply shooting people and sneaking around buildings, succeeding in knowing who’s your ally and who’s an enemy is even more vital than the aforementioned gameplay aspects, and serve to largely influence what happens in the plot as they help in various different ways, be it offering to spike the cocaine of a drug lord so when you have a boss fight with him you completely deny his second phase and he gets knocked out from the spiked coke, pulling the veil away from major plot twists before it’s too late and they bite you in the ass, or unveiling information you can use to your advantage. Speaking of that, information is truly key in this game as you can use whatever character secrets you acquired to influence, blackmail, taunt characters out of hiding and into their death and so on, this game is quite open in how it can be approached as I’m sure many of you have heard before and is easily its strongest feat, even the story missions can be played in different orders which alters some things that happens in them.

As for the shooting and sneaking itself, It is honestly quite over-hated, it’s essentially a more polished up version of Deus Ex in terms of how the RPG aspects intertwine with the shooting aspects but with good enemy feedback, I love the way they react to your bullets, sometimes they stumble over and fall, other times they panic and spray-fire all over the place, it does it’s job well. As for the accuracy, simply focus your points into one or two weapons (preferably pistol as its the best weapon in the game, AR is great too) and don’t spam-fire, wait for the reticle to recover from recoil and you’re good to go, although its best to focus the shots when it comes to pistol, you can fire faster and more accurately with AR, and I recommend having both on you as they suit different needs, you absolutely should stealth some missions and even go through them non-lethally since not every enemy you face can be killed without consequences (civilians, regular cops and other American agents for example). This is overall quite an immersive experience and I heavily recommend it to RPG or Espionage fans.

At the very center and core of the story is Maki Sonomura, who’s the literal subject of multiple Jungian Archetypes, the Self (real Maki), the Shadow (Aki & Pandora), and the Persona (ideal Maki) it is later revealed in the story that through a connection with the DEVA system, Maki created her “ideal” perfect world, but as Jung said “A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them. Whenever we give up, leave behind, and forget too much, there is always the danger that things that we have neglected will return with added force.” Maki’s shadow selves manage to emerge and wreak havoc upon Maki’s ideal world, and now the team’s forced to face the reality of the situation after defeating Kandori, they go through more dungeons and eventually reach the soul world, which is yet another literal manifestation of Carl Jung’s idea’s, the Collective Unconsciousness, it’s where the ideal Maki confronts and changes the real Maki, who’s revealed to be a pessimistic loner, but that pessimism eventually manifests itself into Maki’s most dangerous incarnation, Pandora, who wishes to destroy the world and everyone in it, but fortunately is defeated by Ideal Maki & Co.
Ultimately Persona 1’s story is one of self-discovery and hope, hope for the present, hope for the future, and hope for humanity.

It is incorporated into the essence of the story in such a manner that can only be deemed as genius, requiring the usage of multiple Persona’s to overcome difficult encounters, alluring to the Jungian Archetype of the same name.
It’s easy to get into and very addictive, the grid system is my favorite JRPG gameplay mechanic, allowing you to further strategize by having the placement of characters matter to what they can and cannot hit, demon negotiations are as fun as ever and perhaps my favorite in P1, each character has 5 dialogue options to choose from, while the demons possess 4 main emotions you can trigger, it all makes for varied and fun negotiations

Due to its strong art direction (god bless Kazuma Kaneko) it manages to still hold up to today, with impressively colorful and emotive character sprites, decent animations, and a not-so-bad world

“The smiles you wear are no longer false masks, you may find yourselves troubled or suffering or lost in the future, but there is nothing to fear, look to your soul for your true self, no matter what trials you may face, that will be enough for you to weather the storm, now go forth, into your bright futures”

I will refrain from rating this game because as much as I enjoyed it, I genuinely cannot, in full conscience, dare to call it a well-designed game. Now I know what you must be thinking reading this, “But what matters is if you enjoyed it at the end of the day” and right as that statement is, I feel like I’ve hit a wall with it. When do we stop, draw a line and say “Yeah, we deserve better than this, because we got better than this a fucking decade ago and what we have now has no excuse being worse than what we got before”

What 4R attempts to do is capture the same kind of design RE4 (and subsequently 5/6) had, and modernize it, and to say that it falls flat on its head and miserably fucking fails would be a gross understatement, they removed the one thing all of those games were balanced around, and what made them so satisfying and unique compared to other shooters in the market in the first place, proper enemy feedback which leads to consistent stuns, you’re crowded? You quickly shoot a zombie in the shin or head and perform a melee attack, that’s your bread and butter for proper crowd control, for christ’s sake, it is so tightly designed to the point where RE5 has a difficulty mode where you go into danger status in one hit, one goddamn hit, and it still comes across as a fair, balanced and enjoyable challenge. Imagine the sheer amount of confidence you must have in the systems that you designed to put in a challenge mode like that into the game. Meanwhile in 4R you find yourself at the mercy of the RNGods which is exasperated by reticle bloom, a mechanic pulled from 2R and put into this game just to make you constantly beg, plead and pray for a stun to get yourself out of one tight situation out of a dozen. To at least stagger an enemy that’s running straight at you with a pitchfork, or to grab you, and speaking of grabs, the balance regarding that single move alone is busted to an unbelievable degree, enemies love to spam it and it happens to be ambiguous in how it’s telegraphed to the player, there’s a form of the grab (close running grab) that you pretty much cannot react to. so on-top of an inconsistency in stuns, you also have inconsistency and vagueness regarding the enemy attacks themselves, and for some reason the grab damage doesn’t work like in previous games where the danger comes from messing up the mashing QTE, getting grabbed in itself is a danger because it happens to do insane damage simply at the startup, for example sometimes there’s a delayed reaction because you and the enemy are so close to one another, you shotgun the zombie but in a very short frame it happens to grab you, you are not rewarded for your sharp reaction time because half your health depletes from that startup alone.

The fact that the game design and balance feel like an afterthought despite having a decade of action RE before it to pull from, add on and improve upon is so disappointing that I can’t help but ask the eternal question what were they thinking? All in all, I hope Capcom learns from this game’s shortcomings, but given all the lavish praise it received, I doubt that will be the case.

Reached 90% completion and saw there was yet another Golem mission so the game can fuck right off with that shit. All that aside it’s an exquisite and punishing yet fair brawler, everything available to the enemy is also available to you and that amps up the ferocious and varied gameplay, the animations are so beastly you’ll be feeling every snap and crack. Did not really enjoy the weapon focus and I wish the game had less of it.

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information overload and the post truth age it causes can and will easily lead one down an existential rabbit hole, a never-ending cycle of unanswerable questions and half-truths, Eden had to suffer through the cold, dour world of logic and pure facts, information overload caused her to snap and fall to a self induced slumber to numb the pain until the player awakened her through making simple contact and touch, a feeling she hasn’t experienced before, which brought her to the ultimate realization, human connection and bonds are what truly matter in the end. Its a tragedy that Eden will only ever experience a fraction of that connection, she’s forever locked within the cold, jagged, emotionless world of truth. post modern existence and the digitization of life would only lead humanity down a terrible road.
the upgrade system dubbed evolution is a unique and genius way of tying the game’s themes into the gameplay as can be seen in how the player constantly evolves and de-volves due to numerous attacks from corrupted data, loss of oneself is quick to happen, and slow to regain.

Utterly reprehensible backwater terrorists living in the Sahara desert still put in more effort towards impressively porting Metal Slug to the GBC than any Squenix “remaster” port

To attempt to break down what makes breakdown so good is a hard task for me, maybe it’s the slick, intensely immersive first person presentation that’s further enhanced by being able to utilize the strength from the XBOX, the strongest console at the time, maybe it’s twisty, badass 2000’s sci-fi narrative, or maybe, just maybe, its the fucking BEASTLY combat system, I’m not sure I even know how to put my liking for it into words, but goddamn if it isn’t satisfying and unique then I don’t know what is, you get so many combos and some are better than others at doing specific things like you wouldn’t deal with 1 guy the same way you deal with 3 guys, another thing that enhances the combat is the progression of both enemies and your power, the game does a great deal of work to build up and introduce most enemy types, like those buff dudes at the start, all you’ve been fighting are humans and then these dudes pop out of nowhere and have a horror introduction where you walk through the messes they made and then see them absolutely destroy groups of enemies you’d have trouble with, so now you know they’re not to be messed with and you should run the fuck away, which is a great thing, you simply run away from them until you gain enough power to beat the ever living shit out of them, that’s another thing, the power progression is hands-down the best there is, without spoiling anything, you get stronger and stronger as the game goes on and every single moment is cool as fuck and serves to introduce your abilities well, no limp-dick skill tree bullshit.

BREAKDOWN turns boys into men. And you better play it if you have any ounce of love for action media. Just be open-minded regarding it’s control scheme, and don’t forget to block!

Every single character is one note, you hear them complain about something once and you get what they’re gonna say for the rest of the game, woah!!! should i serve or not serve the muh queen and muh princess?!? It’s especially bad for the villains cause they’re saturday morning cartoon tier, the combat is dull, un-engaging and horribly slow, it has no merits whatsoever, wow i really needed to see a 15 second camera pan of shitty looking psx environment before every single goddamn fight, this game is redditcore.