3 reviews liked by LisboaLeon

SUPER MARIO SUNSHINE if everyone on the development staff had a brain injury.

Can't really explain my visceral negative reaction to this. The game just feels really wrong in every respect and I was more or less physically rejecting it while trying to play. Gives me the heebie jeebies. Something not right going on in there. I've got a good sense for these things.

There's an extremely fine line for stories that are clichéd in premise to either drown in prejudice or overcome it. The adventure genre has been so overdone that its original roots feel almost lost outside the inherently obscure JRPGs of today. The original roots being—to go; to seek adventure. To witness the majesty of the unknown, to discover outlandish worlds—And ultimately, to tell it.

Grandia represents the purity and soul of adventure. It's the reason why so many opinions reinforcing everyone's love for this game are so emotionally driven. It taps into a place in your mind akin to how you feel about superheroes, giant robots and kaiju as a kid. It makes you believe there's real heroism in not just humanity, but in all life. That there's purpose in doing what you want.

This feeling may not apply to everyone, but for me and many others it was a life changing experience. That's what Grandia is. I'm not saying the storytelling is bad, but it clicks far harder for a certain type of person. It may be an overall easy game and the camera control can be little cumbersome to navigate making some maps more maze-like than intended but the feeling it gives you of going on a grand adventure is unmatched. Not to mention even if the gameplay is easy it's one of the best action battle systems I've seen in a JRPG. Very important game to me and probably will forever stand as my favourite PS1 JRPG.

If you don't like this game or series you have no joy in your life