Relaxing little exploration platformer with a cute, breezy atmosphere and refreshing jazz soundtrack. great little afternoon playthrough.

Man, the Saturn controller kills me hands.

The language learning parts of the puzzles are really fun but some of the exploratory aspects suffer from the situation where, I know the solution but don't want to go through the motions of executing everything required. I could came back when a mood hits me.

Harold is slow as hell and i loved it. Some of the most fun writing and and acting I've seen in a game in a long time. Light but not throw away and always entertaining. Harold is a great character and refreshing for a main character in this medium. I never tired of zooming in on the sets and characters to soak in the detail in the art.

Such a wonderful game to just relax in. Feels great to explore and the soundtrack is a really fun match that I never would have thought of. And a great FTP message on top of it all.

Very basic walking simulator with some nice design choices in terms of allowing the player to choose how much detail they see of the world building and narrative. The writing is pretty typical of this genre and really doesn't go anywhere interesting.
The art design is cool, and I imagine a lot of people will have some school or government building from their past come to mind when walking through it.

Rough, Loved the first time in the reboot series but these really lacks all the charm and fun of the first two games. I really hope Machine Games gets a chance to make a proper 3.

I wish I liked the music more. I feel bad for not liking it more. There were a few tracks that I really liked and when you get in a flow with a song you are actually tapped into everything comes together in a way that only a few action games can compete with. It's not sensory overload it's just full sensory engagement.

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An amazing experience throughout. The combat in Saga's storyline can be a bit of a slog and the punishing limit of ammo and health items combined with unforgiving enemy spawns limited the amount of the exploration I wanted to do but I was more than happy to move on.
The insane amount of layer of meta-narrative is so fun, occasionally silly, and always fun. Also completely terrifying.
Can't wait for the DLC, hoping for even more FBC appearances, I'll be waiting.

I’ll be back for another run or 2 at some point. The style is just off the charts. Combat gets frustrating with a few of the enemy types. All the different plot possibilities make it so hard to choice between looking up a guide and going with the flow but I did manage to go down a story path that no one had posted about on line at the time which I’ve never experienced in the internet age.

Feels good but nothing to really keep you coming back.

I took an 8 month break and still had to come back and finish it. Coming back and not fully remembering who’s who kind of enhanced the huge spans of time the game covers.

If only there were some sort of gameplay loop to really get hooked into this game could move up to being truly amazing. As a skater, to not even remotely be pulled in by the skating missions is a bummer. I did enjoy the cooking in small doses and the RPG combat isn't that bad. Maybe I just got lucky but it felt like a lot of the bosses weaknesses were actually appropriate and therefore it wasn't just a guessing game.

The story is what you're here for and it's great. The writing and acting are really outstanding. It's maybe the only game I've played that's really about women from their own perspective and without constantly telling you about it. It all feels so natural. The only complaint I have is why do these people in their 20 give a damn about their middle school and high school exes? Does anyone in real life take those seriously? Just makes it hard to care in a few of the relationships.