So good. Rare case where the style and gameplay not only compliment each other but they also enhance each other.


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Maybe the most disappointed I’ve ever been in a game. I’ve been following the Dev since they released Furi, which I loved, but outside of the art style this is a step backwards in every sense.

The gameplay is pretty shallow but by no means the deal breaker.

The story, specifically the two main characters, is wretched. They’re meant to be a cute couple in love but they’re toxic to each other. The relationship between them is so bad that I assumed the ending would involve them realizing that but no the ending is that everything they did was right and they’re perfect for each other. They don’t listen to each others needs, they hide their feelings and lie to each other, they push each other on aspects that they know will annoy the other and after they argue they just have sex and everything is fixed, nothing is learned and no growth as a couple. Yet, in the end that’s all fine and they’re happily ever after.

Aside from the over arching shittiness of the message of the story, the two of them are just unbearable to listen to on a moment to moment basis. I gave up around 4 hours and watched the ending on YouTube.

Great puzzle but not the concept doesn't seem to give them a ton of room for depth but they get there with the sequels.

A legend for a reason. The capital S Style is untouchable. Playing it now the glaring issue is the lack of race tracks. Really limits the amount of time you get to soak in that atmosphere. Maybe that's for the best. Get it get out.

Pretty High on my Zelda list. Music doesn't vary much from traditional Zelda themes. Not remixed much. The shrinking mechanic is a little underutilized outside of the side quests. There's a lot of side content. would have made for a great game to carry around as a kid.

Neat little adventure game. The conceit of being trapped in a pod and needing to interact with the ship through the computer and robots is cool but ends up just being you playing as the robot. Would have been nice to switch between the two.

Just can’t compare to 1 and 2. Lacks so much character. Level design is no where near as fun.

I wrote a proper review and then it didn’t save. TLDR: story is repetitive, slow and not all that well written. Lost interest in picking events because they’re all similar. Battles are fun except when they throw random crap in on the complete other side of the map that you have to rush over to.

That little Kirby fella sure is cute.

This is the steez I’m looking for.

The driving is fun and there’s an actual sense of speed so I guess that’s all you can hope for on the 3DS. So barebones that there isn’t even a audible count down at stage start let alone spoken pace notes. You can’t turn the driving line or hud off without also losing the pace notes. It’s a rally game with no spoken pace notes why would you ever want to turn the on screen ones off?
Came back to lower my score when I realized the progression is borked. 100 percented the campaign and only unlocked one WRC driver and one special stage.

The perfect balance for the X series.

Mario Kart for multiplayer Tetris. Bonkers power ups and attacks make for a great time at any skill level.