14 reviews liked by Lixrys

actually this is awesome

This game is so full of charm, it truly is a delight

Dude this was so fun for the first 20 hours and the story was so intriguing, but then I remembered I had 80 more hours of this and… no.. i don't think so…..

This game is WAY too repetitive for it to be 100 hours

This game is so cute and charming but godDAMN did I get my ass kicked

I’m being so serious when I say that this would be one of my favorite games of all time if it weren’t a gacha game

This fact makes me deeply depressed

I just got the true ending for this stupid ass game and I've never been so conflicted after beating a game in my entire life. Half of the time I was a great time and the other half I wanted to blow my brains out.

I don't think I ever want to touch this game again... 5/10

The gameplay of Project Sekai is fun. I enjoyed feeling the progression of my skill.
The cards in this game are absolutely gorgeous as well.

That is all of the good things I have to say about this game.

First when digging into this game I have to say that good GOD is the gacha system is ASS. Like hot steamy ASS.

You know how games like Genshin or Honkai have a solid pity system so eventually even if you're the unluckiest person on earth you have a guarantee way to get the character?
Sekai has that but after THREE HUNDRED PULLS. A ten pull is 3000 crystals of in game currency (15 dollars btw). If you want a 100% guaranteed card for a character you need 90000 crystals.


(Not even mentioning the fact that as you get into end game you have significantly less ways to get crystals which obviously makes it WAY harder.)
And on top of all that in event banners you can pull the same 4 star character twice.
In a game like genshin that's good actually because you can actually do something with that extra character, but in Sekai they go to the "green room" so they can be scrapped for resources. Not even to mention there are THREE event characters at once in most events so if you're going for a specific one you better have an insane amount of luck or you're just fucked !

Making it this hard to get a card you want is objectively terrible. And they made it like this on purpose of course, to get you to spend money, that's the whole point duh. I was blinded for a good bit while playing cause I was having fun, but the predatory monetization always rears it's head eventually in these types of games.

This game wants you to spend money soooooo bad it's fucking disgusting. Project Sekai wasted my time and is not worth it at all.

God I hate gacha games man..

"But she started a war"
And she looked sexy while doing it.

"HEY!I Get your fat-ass out of the way!"
'ASS"? I think you meant my awesome fat tits, you cocksucker!"
These two pieces of dialogue taken straight from the game completely sum up this game's writing. It's like they tried to make Sonic Colors an adult-oriented sitcom