Delightfully sweet, probably one of the few games in the "Wholesome Games" movement to be actually wholesome and fun.

Not going to bother rating this one cause I dropped it so early (chapter 3) but it really wasn't doing anything for me.

Love Bayo as a character, but I just wasn't interested in anyone else, or the overarching plot (and I understand that you might think thats the point but like, I'd at least like Platinum to try) and it doesn't help when the dialogue veers from boring to deeply cringe (never want to hear Bayo say "bust a cap in yo ass" again). Music is okay, presentation is okay and the combat feels alright, but I never really felt engaged enough with it to want to learn all the combos (which seemingly aren't available from the pause menu? If they are I couldn't find it)

Kinda feeling whatever on most of the platinum games I've tried at this point, mgr has so far still been the only exception

Yeah, no. I really hate this.

Terrible combat, especially once they begin to introduce the space pirates and weapon specific enemies. Terrible platforming that feels floaty and way to weighty in exactly the wrong places. Terrible progression, even with some tolerance for backtraking, the items the game chooses to guide you to versus the ones they don't is baffling to me.

The only real positives I can see are the music, which is very tense and genuinely beautiful in moments, and the atmosphere, which is extremely solid.

I wonder if this game's reputation is because of it being in a more popular genre (a kinda-FPS), being a spin on an old franchise or simply because people were starved for good shooters on the GameCube.

Maybe we'll never know.

Funny, short and surprisingly pointed. A good time.

This was really cool! It definitely has a lot of the mistakes other pokemon-likes have, like getting too cute w/ type matchups and some pretty underwhelming designs, but the vibe is neat, the music is good, and the graphics in general are pretty neat (especially on the major bosses).

The overall plot was good, but I wasn't super in love with most of the companions (except for Kayleigh) and the individual plotlines are pretty whatever. The same is true for the moment to moment writing, which flips from philosophical thought to a joke about 80's movies in a second.

I think this is a good use of time, and it's getting a console release soon, so I def hope more people try it.

It's rare that I give up on something cause I feel nothing for it.

It's got a great opening sequence, and it certainly nails its visuals and vibes, but then you need to actually play it and tolerate its deeply whatever combat system and by the numbers open world and skill systems. A real shame, and I might give it another go when there literally isn't anything else.

Homestead Arcana and Infinite Guitars share a weird space as "Games promoted by Microsoft as major Gamepass releases that are at best interesting". Both are games in genres that have seen a big boon (rhythm action games and, for some reason, magic themed Harvest Moons), and both are kind of disappointing.

Homestead Arcana is certainly a better game, for sure. The voice acting is genuinely pretty good, and the game has some strong aesthetics, even if the quality of the models is not the best. There's also a real story! One with interesting set ups and that could've been really cool if everything else wasn't holding it back (and if the text wasn't so small c'mon game devs help a dude out.)

But the game is janky, doing basically anything other than moving is a nightmare of pointing an inaccurate cursor repeatedly, and the tutorial is not particularly clear on how to actually, k'know, farm anything. There are survival mechanics as well, a gameplay element that has ruined so many other farming games in the past for literally no reason and does exactly the same thing here.

i think this game can improve with some updates, and I applaud the team for making something this intriguing. Hopefully either their next game or an update can really refine this into something magical.

It is really unfortunate that Hi-Fi Rush came out before this, since we got what a perfect action/rhythm game hybrid would look like and this... is not it.

The game looks nice, and the music is decently enjoyable, but both repeat constantly and the joy of seeing the art is lost when you've seen the same animation a hundred times.

Gameplay is also just as repetitive, do rhythm minigames, walk very, very, slowly through hazard filled areas that the game feels too sluggish to properly deal with, then fight more guys and do a little more story.

I wish there was more to say, but there really isn't. If you really love rhythm games, or like YIIK's gameplay then maybe there's something here for you, but otherwise it's best to leave it on mute.

Shelved for now but I really enjoyed what I've played.

I think a few of my issues with metroidvania's are solved here, if only because its a little bit more railroaded than other games in the genre.

I'll get back to finishing it eventually.

I love everything, the music, the story, the art, all of that rules, but the gameplay is just too clunky for me to get over and it does still feel like a franchise finding it's wheels.

All of RGG's best aspects (stellar writing and performances), mixed with a surprisingly fun and engaging JRPG system.

Ichiban is one of the best video game protags of this era, and I have never been more excited for a new direction for a franchise in my life.

There's a lot more to say here; like how the game's writing handles issues of social inequality and corruption better than almost any other mainstream game out there. Or it's handling of it's legacy characters ascends from mere fanservice to something more. But it would extend this review out into a full-on essay.

Play Like A Dragon. Seriously.

A mixture of bland environments, completely nothing storytelling, watered-down and floaty Sekiro-lite gameplay and one of the most convoluted difficulty systems ever invented in the morale system makes this a hard miss on the part of Team Ninja.

There's a lot of this game I would want to change; the platforming is occasionally clunky due to the emphasis on being "cinematic", the combat isn't very deep, the story veers in and out of interesting ideas waaaay too fast and, to be honest, all the vaguely Dark Souls-esque mechanics feel completely useless.

But this one is a good time!

I am not a Star Wars person, but the game gives you a solid idea of what's going on in the greater universe, while never completely relying on recognition ((and the one section where it does is both well-earned and justified)). The combat does have enough weight to it to be engaging, even if it is a deep as a kiddie pool, and the emphasis on breaking block gauges isn't a terrible idea.

It also just looks amazing. There aren't that many locales, but the ones that are there are lush rainforests or sprawling planes. Or Darothmir, which is neither of those things. Maps can be too intricate, and this attention to detail can make it hard to discern where you might be going but if I'm going to be lost I'd rather have something pretty to look at.

Relatively enjoyable time all around, and probably worth checking out if you care about the greater Star Wars universe.

While it's certainly the most personality-filled of Nintendo's platformers, Wario Land 4 spends about half it's time being a fun an engaging platformer and the other half being a frustrating and time wasting experience (especially the bosses). Really wish I left this one with a more positive feeling but alas.