Rating System Explanation

Everyone and their grandma is doing this on my timeline so what the hell, might as well do one myself. Disclaimer : at the end of the day I don't really sweat number ratings all that much? I try to but they are not consistent and are mostly just my emotional reaction to finishing them (or abandoning them), they can change over time etc.

The truly excellent/transcendent games which really do everything or almost everything right. Most of the time what keeps them from getting a perfect score will be either a minor qualm or just not reaching that emotional (not necessarily sadness or anything, can be joy/catharsis etc) peak. Deus Ex 1 is an amazing game but the last couple of levels are kind of disappointing when the game gives up on the "small sandbox" approach of the excellent hell's kitchen or hong kong.
Games which are Great! These games I would not only recommend, but might annoy a friend to try out. They are games which do some really cool things but have some flaws that keep them from being truly excellent in my view. RE4 is an amazing game with excellent core combat and inventory management, which unfortunately I think it goes on a bit too long (the island is the worst part of the game) and the "non-standard" parts kind of test my patience i.e Del Lago, Minecart stage, ending speedboat thing.
I have only rated 10 games at this score, the very best of the best. Whenever my faith in this medium/industry wanes I can always refer back to these and know that for all the bullshit gaming is still worth defending. Pentiment is the newest addition but its so touching and human, and cleverly designed and uses the medium of videogames and RPG mechanics to help tell that very story. "Oh but its not for everyone" FUCK YOU, nothing is, even the most mass market things wont be enjoyed by all. If you have any interest in history or RPGs or murder or narrative focused games or anything of that nature please give it a shot
Games which are quite good and which I can recommend with perhaps minor disclaimers. Games which had a well realized intention they pretty much pulled off, but not spectacular. A pace for the Unbound was a game that was pretty good, but had a bit of padding and didn't quite hit me emotionally in the way it wanted to.
Games where there is at least something good/interesting about them but the experience was so overall negative it completely drowns it out. Example P2IS : a game with an interesting concept of rumours influencing reality that kept me coming back after dropping it 3 whole times until finally the worst gameplay in any RPG I've ever played wore me down
These are games that had good intentions/ambitions but just fell flat on their faces or couldnt pull it off. They are mostly games that I had expectations for which ended up disappointing me, if not being terrible or anything. TT for exaple has pretty good writing, character designs, voice acting and the central mystery is intriguing. Unfortunately its "point and click" style puzzles suck and it fucks up its ending by rushing to it
This is the "y'know, If I didn't absolutely despise aspect X of this game, I would really enjoy this game for its aspects y and z" tier. Again based mostly on emotional reaction when finishing or shelving. For example inside is a game with great atmosphere and subtle storytelling, but I hate its gameplay so much that I dropped it halfway through. I fully understand why people think its a masterpiece, and I would too If I didnt find the gameplay so aggravating (and not in a good horror-y way)
Games which are good! I enjoyed my time with them but didnt love them. They can also be games which could have been amazing but are held back by something or another. In the case of Sable, the first time I played it I had to cheese every physics puzzle cause they straight up didnt work. On subsequent more patched versions I enjoyed sable more but in the end it still feels like a game that doesn't have all that much to say, beyond its cute character stories and meditative open world.
honestly I have very few non-joke 0.5s. Mainly cause I have a good idea of what Ill enjoy and what not? Its hard for me to be completely blindsided by something I was expecting to be good. Mainly I'll give it to games I can find absolutely nothing to enjoy or appreciate. Case in point, this is a VN with writing that physically hurt me so I dropped it inmediately
Games which are... fine. Either they were completely unspectacular but minimally competent Or they have very High Highs and very Low Lows which end up cancelling out to mid. In the case of Sail Forth (when it launched, I think it has been patched and modified pretty extensively) it was a lovely cozy 8 hour sailling game unfortunately trapped in an asinine repetitive 20 hour game. Another example is Spec Ops, which is mostly terrible but it has enough things I appreciated that I won't condemn it.


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