English-Translated Saturn Games

I had fun making the PC98, PC88, and PC-FX list so I decide to make a Sega CD, Genesis/Megadrive, Game Gear, and Master System list too

Vandal Hearts: Ushinawareta Kodai Bunmei
Shining Force III: 1st Scenario (Translates the JPN ending that wasn't in the US release)
A demo disc promoting Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou Koto Nakare, it showcases the characters and gameplay mechanics. The English translation for the full game is in the works.
Specially the Asuka 120% Limit Over Hack
Call of Cthulhu: Prisoner of Ice
This game is fully hacked and fully translated but to this day nobody inserted it in game.
The hacking was done by Cyber Warrior X, who released the current alpha patch (22 years ago!) that translates only the menus.
He hacked the font too. The VWF font fits lots of text on screen nicely.

The situation has been stale for years, waiting for someone to step up and put it all together.
An Alpha patch that translates 97% of the written text.
Ys I Only
The game contains English but only accessible with a code, the patch makes it so you don't need to enter the code, it just boots in English.
Translation Completed


9 months ago

Shining Force III part 1 had an official English release by Sega. Unless that got a retranslation you want to emphasize I don't know about? :)

9 months ago

@FallenGrace Yeah it looks like the US version ending was changed. It's called Scenario 1 in Japan. Here the link to the patch if you interested in the differences https://sf3trans.shiningforcecentral.com/2022/11/21/sf3patch-version-24-released/

9 months ago

Ah, interesting. I was more curious. I've played the original dozens of times. Pre-ordered it at launch for the Saturn. Yes, i'm old XD

9 months ago

@FallenGrace Dang Pre-ordered and 1997 are two things that have never correlated in my head before. So much so that I searched up when pre-ordering trend started and it said during the 1980s. You really do learn something new every day lol

9 months ago

Ha! Specifically I was friends with someone whose parents owned a small family run game store and they ordered a copy in specifically for me as the Saturn at the time was starting to struggle here in Europe so some stores weren't selling it at all.

Still love my Saturn and the care fans are putting in. I finally played Sakura Wars this year after wanting to play it since it released.

9 months ago

@FallenGrace Ye big ups to the fans keeping this system alive after all these years. Can't wait to try out all the games here plus more.

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