I got the battle pass for the power armour, although I do like the car customisation stuff, some of the weapons are cool and the map is great, Im playing Reload as well which is nostalgic as feck!

I think the way this game handles phobias was great, I was on edge in the water, tight spaces, and the DARK!
The story is relatable in terms of what the character is going through with his marriage.

Ending I think was bittersweet, I was content with it.

Game became a slog towards the end though, there is only so much you can do with hiding mechanics take Alien Isolation, the hiding mechanics in that were near perfect! If the enemies in this acted more like that game, I think this would have been a higher ranking.

Graphics were great and I can see myself speedrunning this.

This game didnt sit with me, I love the art style and the premise. Lots of pop culture references and some tricky bosses.
But I found myself being underwhelmed in the sense of environments, bosses, and enemy design.

I found myself having a problem with knowing where I needed to go and then continually found myself getting lost because the map is horrendous, places look the same and the movement was clunky.

I like the skill system and the first area, everything else was ehh mediocre.

sorry lads. I really tried

Wow this game surprised me!
I love the environment, the difference in areas and the whole theme of it being an abandoned theme park!

The enemies are eerie especially the lanky ones that kinda look like me ;)

The guns feel great to use! And the ammo system where you can kick vending machines or go back to bins that you didn’t find anything in before to give you ammo (as there isn’t any melee weapon until you get a B rank on your first playthrough, )so that you can progress is fantastic.

The puzzles can be a bit challenging especially the train one, that messed me up a lot, even chat couldn’t get it.

The save points I liked the feel of, all being centred around a fire and being cozy!

Characters were interesting, and added to the lore and plot of the game.

The optional bosses were different but felt way too easy if you had upgrades beforehand.

Ending was unexpected and definitely made me go “woah! Wtf!” 😂

Replay value I’d say 3 times, to play on the hardest difficulty and to do the crow hunt.

This really brought back memories of myself playing resident evil and Dino crisis back as a kid! So I applaud this studio! Please make more like this!

Some bad things about this was an achievement bugging out for me, that’s about it really lol!

Gonna try not to be biased as this one of the games I played for hours on end through the years until now as well!
I speedrun this, so I'm always happy for a buggy glitchy game, But the glitches in this are beyond me.

Achievements did not appear for the game on release week, one is currently unobtainable, and its mostly just grinding. How fun, lots of missed opportunities for some creative ones.
The loading sound was removed and changed for the 1st game, everything else worked fine on that, Now the second game, that's where the problems come in.

Missing assets on Naboo, like an entire wall is see through, Enemies and allies Even myself would spawn out of bounds on Naboo.
The new hero hunt mode for all maps completely breaks AI, on Kamino every enemy had no idea where to go, so they resorted to spinning in a circle then running off the edge.

Galactic conquest is broken if you play as the Empire and try to buy a new upgrade I was greeted with a crash every time, meaning I could not play that mode unless I was CIS, Rebels or Clones :(

Apart from that, the game is basically the same (if its not broke why fix it) In this case it was the company trying to add new things like the mode that broke it :(

Wait for Sale on this, or just buy the old ones on the xbox store. Much better.

This game looks incredible, tackles a serious subject, but I cannot get over how slow paced it is, how many "Corridor loads" there are or the fact the gameplay is essentially the same as the previous title. Shame really.

The mechanics of jumping should have been in stray!

This is a fun time of a game, despite having an achievement bugged I’m very happy with the quality of this!

I still prefer stray, but that’s personal opinion ain’t it.

Ps I was an absolute menace in this!


This game is the perfect example of "Video Game Art" it feels like an experience as opposed to a game.

This game sounds and looks great, I was on edge the whole time, I was convinced that there was something following me in the game, chat said they could hear footsteps, and then I see a bloody hand! NAH I WAS LIVID! DEV LIED LOL

But I speedran this after can probs get like 50 mins to beat the game if you know where you are going, I will probs go back and see if you can ride all the waterslides!

But play this max volume, lights off and alone! Itll make you feel immersed, I was on the verge of a panic attack

This game is absolutely stunning visually!
Combat and movement is fluid and speedy!
Depiction of Gotham City is eerie and clearly crime ridden mainly due to the event of the story.

But I couldn't see myself enjoying this as much as the others in the series, noticeable crashes at random parts, feeling way too overpowered at times, to a point that I did not even play predator sections how they were intended because it was so easy to go guns blazing!

Best thing about this was the story tbh, I was shocked with it! The whole Arkham Knight reveal got me! and seeing Batman struggle to process Joker is dead is a sad one to see.

Although I have yet to do Knightfall protocol, Im kinda sick and tired of Riddler so I cba to do it, might just look it up.

But my god the whole setting and the way the story overlaps with the side quests was a welcome one, even if Deathstroke was underwhelming. Kinda makes the tease for him being part of the suicide squad irrelevant Fuck you Arkham Origins!

Ok This game has a lot of faults.
but lets get the good out of the way!
I really love how they portrayed Bruce/Batman, he's new to this still, he's still learning his techniques, meeting infamous villain's. You can tell by the way he interrogates, intimidates and shows a lack of self control when a Villain completes their task and kills or seriously injures a large amount of people.

Deadshot Side quest was super fun, Especially the predator room boss battle, although I did Thanos snap him out of existence by accident.
Anarky was a great addition to the roster of villians.

Electric Gloves were awesome! Why the hell did he get rid of them for Arkham Asylum lol

Now for the bad!
While playing this game on stream, I experienced 28 crashes that lost me progress on riddler sidequests, main story sidequests and boss encounters, was very annoying.

This game has aged badly imo!
Combat feels very floaty for some reason, not quite sure how to explain it, but I would get hit by literally nothing in situations that would either kill me outright, or ruin an extremely high combo counter, ALSO NO CRIT ATTACKS WOT!?
Speed for gliding feels minimised compared to the previous two entries, and makes the game feel larger, but its evident that this Open World is smaller, and the bridge is too damn long.
Final Boss Battle was a joke against Bane, Didnt get hit once. and I was playing on the hardest difficulty.

This game is still worth a play for the Side quests and the main story seeing Bruce become acquainted with some of his most famous villains.

I put Marriage and smoke together and created a divorce.

Cant really complete this game, but I made Horus, which was a goal.
Inside Joke.

This review contains spoilers

Ok this I feel is going to be one of my best reviews for a game.
Disclaimer, I strongly dislike Turn based, JRPGs. Ok so seeing this rating must be shocking!

I played this as a bet for something ridiculous that my friend did which took an entire year, so I didn't back out of playing this.

I went into thinking it was going to be another predictable anime game, oh boy was I wrong!
So this was on gamepass, played for free, but I would happily buy this.

The Story really hooked me on the basis its mature, questions morality and forces the player to make decisions and choosing to embrace death, I saw them shoot themselves and gasped! Was not expecting all of this!

I struggle with story based games if there are no breaking points, emotion moments or fantastic spectacles. This had all of them, I can count four moments where I got teary, THANKS GAME! and plenty of moments where I was stunned. and the ending just made me happy and relieved they did what they set out to do despite your characters end which I named myself "CUNT CUNT" Because funny.
During this playthrough which yes I did all live one stream being over 14 hours, I found out that this game is merely a spin off, which is making me want to play even more! I felt empty after I watched the credits and now just want to play more!!!

Music was incredible, catchy, memorable, and I've even added some into my own personal playlist to listen to while gaming or going about my day.
The combat while simple and easy to understand was engaging, while I think the Persona attacks were tedious and having to watch our characters shoot themselves in the head 200 plus times, I was never bored.
Barely had to do any grinding for the end game, Id say about 2 hours total in my playthrough was grinding. I played on normal btw.
The Selection of Personas were great although unlike pokemon I probably wont remember them if you was to say their name, but a pic I would, I chose to end the game with Beezlebub and Satan, what a lovely duo!

The Remastered cutscenes and animations were brilliant after watching a side by side comparisons. The VAs who I found out the VA for Mitsubishi my nickname for Kiroji is a twitch streamer, bloody awesome! all did fantastic in their roles, especially Junpei and Revolver Jesus.

Tartarus Tower I enjoyed despite it apparently being disliked among the community, find that strange, loved exploring except for the DJ floors, that was really messing with my eyes.

Now after all this you are probably wondering why I've removed half a star, I found the pacing of the story to be a bit shallow, good story just after the whole shadow stuff and then Ryoji coming in, I found the quality in the hub world to be a bit bland, by then the school break was on, I had finished a lot of the social links, had my stats max, so I was found in a monotonous cycle of going arcade levelling my personas and doing the same thing every night. Will mention I was also at the border floors by the second visits and had been completing all the requests as they became available. Elizabeth is a fight I am gonna struggle with!

But yeah thats my thought on this. I genuinely went into this thinking I was gonna hate it, came out regretting that I have never played a Persona game, and now wanting more.

Next stop Persona 4 when I feel like I want to sink 80 plus hours into another JRPG

also Junpei is a fiend xD

Rating for the Steelbook, This is one of my fav Glossy Steelbooks, Chief looks great on it! Defo one of my nicest Gloss books!

Hats of to Nightdive for bringing back an absolute classic!
Playing this brought an immesnse wave of nostalgia as I played this as a kid.

Good things first, FPS is great, had no stutters, gameplay as per usual with games like this is fluid! Story easy to understand, remastered cutscenes look great! and hello STAR WARS!
This also being the first instance of the Dark Trooper / Shock Trooper is awesome as well, especially the different MKs.

The Difficulty of this game towards the end is in my opinion a big difficulty difference, one minute I was mowing through enemies, next minute I was getting destroyed.

Some bad things, the puzzles have aged terribly! I found myself getting stuck at nearly everyone minus the last puzzle.
Level 14 is a bitch btw ;) Especially on Medium and Hard <3 Have fun!

Nightdive please remaster the sequels and Turok Evolution Thank you <3 ;)

This is specifically about the "remaster"
Shocking quality, crash after crash and bad textures constantly, Loads after a death are quick but that cannot be said for loading basic floor textures, took a solid 5 minutes to load in the texture for the church exterior after the first predator room sequence.

I one hundred percented this game, yes this includes the challenges, but I found myself coming across riddler trophies that were straight invisible, broken, or just not accessible until I hard restarted the console SERIES X BTW or just randomly use the scan at the right angle.

Ok Rant over.

The story is still great, combat is fluid, albeit it can be a bit overwhelming with the removal of some gadgets from the previous title, so I kept getting confused.

I love the side quests in this, ok maybe not the Dead-Shot "Fight" if it can be considered that one.

But the rest of them seemed good!
Voice actors are stellar as per usual so props there.

DLC was ehh hit or miss, found some of the gadgets for Robin to be crap, and the fighting stages were all meh. Nightwing is cool though.

Shame I cannot give this a higher rating as the OG is incredible.

Origins next ;)