20 reviews liked by Luke3

This is honestly one of the most nothing games i've ever played and here are my thoughts on the game.

Graphics - 4/10
Nothing inherently wrong with this games graphics but man do they just look generic as hell and have no uniqueness to it. Some of the textures look pretty shit as well in some of the levels however they weren't so bad that I wanted to stop playing

Gameplay 3/10
Gameplay starts of fun but when you have played more than about 30 mins its just repeated button mashing with no unique combos or anything so it gets extremely tedious in the late game and towards the end I wasn't enjoying the gameplay so I wasn't to impressed

Story - 2/10
Honestly I couldn't even explain what the story of this game was as there was absolutely nothing to explain it just a hell of a lot of talking in missions with bosses that made absolutely no sense or why they are here or why they are trying to attack us so honestly the story is the worst part of this game so don't go into this expecting a good story

Performance - 2/10
I played this on the series x and this is x/s optimised so it wasn't a Xbox one version or anything and when I say this game runs like total shit. It was fine in the start of the game but about halfway through basically every game I was having major frame drops and this game really isn't graphically intense so I have no idea why it runs so shit. Cant comment on other platforms but definitely don't play the xbox version

Music - 5/10
Honestly the music was probably my favourite part of this game although its not really saying much. It does have some really good instrumentals in it however it also has some very strange ones that don't fit the atmosphere of the missions however the music in this game definitely wasn't bad, not something id listen to outside of the game but nice to listen in game.

Overall - 4/10
the game started well for me but a mix of a non existent story and shit performance just made me wanna get the game over and done with so I can go and finish something else. If you're not atleast a slight fan of gundam don't play this game

dmc 3 is the sequel that dmc 2 should of always been. it is quite simply one of the best action games of all time and was genre defining for the beat em up genre.

Positives are for starters the story is so much better than whatever the hell dmc 2 was and it tells us how the events went about before dmc 1. I wont spoil it as you should definitely go play this game for yourself and also not just the story telling has improved since dmc 2 the character writing is also 10000x better. characters actually have emotions and they don't feel like lifeless statues. Dante is finally back to a similar character in which he had in 1 which is iconic to his character. next up the gameplay which is hard as hell to master but when you do its satisfying and is peak combat in a beat em up. They also now allow you to switch between 2 weapons on the fly which adds so many more combat opportunities compared to dmc 1. the bosses have also been brought back to the same as dmc 1 where they are challenging unlike 2 and spamming your pistols to make your way through the game isn't going to work on this game which I appreciate as one of my favourite things about this series is its challenge and that the bosses can also be really creative and a lot of them did give me a hard time its all about learning attack patterns and going again. the puzzles while i didn't really find them challenging are a nice change of pace to the combat and can also be pretty creative. Another positive is I mentioned earlier about being able to switch between weapons on the fly but now Dante also has access to styles as well which can change up the gameplay and how you approach a fight which were also nice for me to experiment and find out which one suited my gameplay style the best. In the special edition you can also play as Vergil however I'm still currently playing this but to my knowledge I think its just Dantes missions with no cutscenes so don't go expecting any extra story or something but its a nice edition none the less.

As for negatives I really don't have any to be honest. maybe the camera can still be annoying sometimes but its nowhere near as much as a issue for me as the other 2 were. This game was so nice to play after having just finished 2 and capcom really redeemed themself with this one.

overall definitely a must play for me after finishing it once I'm straight back into playing it again and now I'm gonna go onto 4 and 5 but I don't believe that they will be quite as good as these ones as this was a truly amazing game. I hit the..........."jackpot" with this one

Devil May Cry 2 is a appalling sequel to a series in which the first entry was a good one. It tries to follow up on what made dmc 1 a fun experience but ultimately falls flat on its face.

Positive's are (not that there are many) is that the enemies now include a health bar which was a nice touch. Not that it matters much as the normal enemies in this game are weak as shit. Dante will also start off with the upgrades you could buy in dmc 1 which means his move set is better than what you start with on base dmc 1. Only other positive is that this game is short so you can end the pain of playing this game pretty quickly thankfully.

Now on to the negatives and trust me there's going to be a lot. Lets start with the story which I can already tell you is terrible. Whoever wrote this probably got fired immediately as the story is all over the place and half of the time I couldn't even tell what was going on. There's this girl named Lucia who has no reason for being there and she just kind of appears at the start, She was mostly just added to stretch out game time but I was so fed up by the time I finished the game with Dante I wasn't even bothering going back and playing it as Lucia. Later you find she was created by Arius who is the villain off this game. Speaking of Arius we barely find anything out about him except he wants to be king of the world I guess, And the times you fight him are a complete joke of a boss battle which speaking off apart from the final boss which we'll get into this game is a piece of piss I think apart from the final boss I only died about once. The boss fights in this game also have terrible writing whereas not like dmc 1 where they are built up and you face them multiple times as they work for Mundus as they actually built up the idea of this big scary boss at the end through these mini bosses. But nope in dmc 2 they kind of just appear then you defeat them and they kind of just...discombobulate? Also I guess the writers just completely forgot about Trish in this game as she was literally a key element in the dmc 1 plot. however I don't even think id want her in this game because they would just ruin her character as much as they did with Dante's. Dante is about as interesting as a brick in this game and they tried to make him have these cringey edgy 1 liners in the game of what little dialogue was in this game. So maybe you'd think if the story wasn't the focus maybe the combat would be better? Again no. it feels sluggish as shit and compared to dmc 1 it felt like I was playing in slow motion as it wasn't nowhere near as smooth as the first. It also has no skill required 90% of the enemies in this game you can just sit and mash your pistols and they will just sit there and accept death. Another thing is which is also a issue prevalent in dmc 1 is the camera its still just as shit and annoying as it was before and you'll constantly be battling it as well as you will the enemies. However as bad as all this may sound there are 2 things in this game that almost drove me to the edge of straight dropping the game there and then and that's mission 14 and the final boss. Starting with mission 14 it is a joke whoever at capcom thought this was good level design is crazy. You have to walk around the boring town looking for blue spheres to hit and there was 1 singular blue sphere they hid that was pretty much like a secret. I gave up and had to look it up in the end because at that point I wanted the shit show to be over. Oh and if you think the map will help you I can tell you now it wont do shit. Now were on to the final boss and it is so cheap and lazy its actually a disgrace. It has 2 phases, Phase 1 makes you fight all bosses you had previously fought in the game because yay they were just that fun they had to be brought back and then phase 2 is a fire demon who has cheap as shit attacks that are hard as hell to dodge.

overall unless you're like me and want to be able to say you completed every dmc. I'd recommend just skipping this one as it has no redeeming aspects to play it and it has no relevance to dmc so unless you really hate yourself don't bother because its not even funny bad, It's simply boring bad. Best part about this is that the game is over and I can go play dmc 3 now which I've heard nothing but good things about so looking forward to that and good riddance to whatever this was.

Ah shit, here we go again...

This is easily the best gta and for so many reasons. From the likeable characters such as big smoke and obviously the main character cj. Stunning setting and a world that was absolutely crazy for the time of its release. From the amazing and creative missions (apart from a certain train). You could easily get lost pouring hours into this game. You can tell so much hard work and effort was put into making this game and that rockstar truly wanted to make a game that was ahead of its time. And thats rightly so it sits at the top of the best selling ps2 games. And remember all he told you to do was to follow the damn train!

Persona 5 royal might be the best game from recent memory. From the amazing visual style to the engaging story which keeps you guessing or the fun tactical turn based combat theres just something about this game that is just special. Once you finish it you'll be wishing you could go back to the very first day you played it. Whether its the amazingly written characters or just grinding out xp in palaces. This game needs to be experienced by majority of people. Play it off gamepass if you're unsure as im sure you wont regret it. And now with persona 3 reload coming soon its a great time to be a persona fan

Ps: okumara can fuck himself

I tried so hard to enjoy sonic forces and its a real shame as somewhere i can see a somewhat decent game here with such wasted potential. The fact that it was 4 years they had to make this game and it was only about 3 hours long was a joke. And the main point of sonic never felt like it was there as the game constantly felt like it was playing itself. From stupid quick time events that have no punishment if you fail to the fact and the game is piss easy even if you play on hard difficulty. Mashing a button as well to defeat a boss isnt fun nor engaging. I remember being so hyped for this game and its a damn shame it all went to waste such as the old cast of villians being brought back. Sega should of been ashamed for releasing this one. Go play frontiers or sonic adventure 2 trust me there worth your time not this garbage

Halo 2 is a legendary game with a amazing narrative. If youve been thinking about playing it its a game everyone has to experience. From its defining multiplayer to its legendary campaign. Or the amazing ost. This game for the standard of 2004 is insane. And its such a shame halo games arent made with as much love and passion as these were back then. I will always have so many good memories on this game whether it being one of the first games i picked up for my og xbox or the countless hours ive spent playing it in the master chief collection. Absolutely one of the best games ever made

Halo wars was a pleasantly surprising game as im not one for top down strategy games but this one hooked me.

For starters i think the controls were very well adapted to controllers as most of these type of games that come to consoles usually have very bad controls as they dont convert well from pc so big probs for that. This game is also a blast if you're playing with friends and ive spent countless hours doing many different challenges on halo wars with a friend of mine. Also enjoy the learning curve to this game understanding what units are suitable for each map what are the best bases to control ext. Definitely the best halo spinoff compared to whatever halo spartan assault was.

However for negatives id say that the campaign in this game is pretty boring and i preferred the campaign in 2s, the maps can also get pretty boring after you've played the game so much as there arent that many to chose from and playing against legendary ai get ready to combat some of the most bs things the game can throw at you and it'll just take alot of luck and patience to defeat the legendary ai.

Overall though i love this game and id say its better than the 343 halo's. Definitely play it if you're unsure as im not a big fan of this genre yet this has come out as one of my favourite multiplayer experiences with my friends

Bully is a great experience that despite its age in my opinion has aged pretty well.

Positives are theres fun missions in this game which can sometimes be quite creative and has a pretty good story to go alongside it. The game also does not try to drag itself out and the story feels like just the perfect length for this game. Its very much a toned down gta style game which is to be expected as it is rockstar however there arent many games that are like this and its setting is very unique. And i feel that this game isnt to challenging but it'll still have enough difficulty to not make you feel like the games a total breeze through.

Some negatives would probably be that the open world there really isnt much to explore on the map and once you've done the main story there isnt to much to do after this game which is why i could not give it a 10/10 for me as once you've done the main quests i doubt you'll be coming back to this game much

Overall id definitely give it a shot especially if you're a fan of gta as i dont think you'll be disappointed playing this and i think its a fun experience thats easy to enjoy