I mean it does kinda piss me off.

It's pretty decent. Definitely gotta play more of it though that's for sure

Fucking shite, gta5 online is actually so much fuckinr better its actually really embarrassing

It honestly is one of the best games I have played in recent time. The gameplay is really fucking good. They is loads and loads of missions that u can do on this game.
The world is very good. The graphics are generally not that bad.
If u like grindy type games we'll then u will love this one. Fucking goated little game. Prolly the best simulator that I have ever played.

This game used to be absolutely fucking goated just the issue is that nobody is playing the game. It doesn't matter what time u decide to play the game know one will be on that Is really the fucking problem.
If they was people actually playing the game it would be fucking goated tbh

Goated fucking game. Definitely one of the better fifas that is for fucking sure.

This game is pretty fucking shit imma be so really it really is quite a shit fucking game.

This game is really fun. The issues with it is the graphics are fucking terrible. They just look so bad especially from a long way. The gun play is pretty good. I do think it is a good game it just really needs a boost in graphics and it would be even better than it already is.

This game isn't the greatest game of all time. But it does have its pros. Some of the characters are fucking goated like ARTHUR MORAGN and JOHN MARSTON. And the story is truly amazing.
I just feel that the gameplay could be a little bit better because it Is just the same shit everytime. They also isn't really a whole lot u can do. I do gotta say that gta5 is a better game.

A very good game. I like most of the borderlands games it's just sometimes they can certainly get a bit tedious.

What can i say. Its decent. I Would say it is one of the better far cry games.

I really do enjoy this game it just can get really annoying when u do so much damage and they can just knock u out in one FUCKING PUNCH. that Is what pisses me off. Apart from that a very decent game.

If your looking for easy achievements this is a game u wanna play.
But apart from that the gameplay is quite shit. Really all u need to say about this game.