My favorites

100 strong + 1

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


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3 years ago

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Like 6-7 years ago I saw some top 100 video game list, it was halfway through my last year of high school. I actually have the link saved, it was a NeoGAF thread. I didn't peruse the site much, tumblr was my hideout and that was steadily shifting to discord, I was simply linked to it from a tumblr post. It was really cool, I was kind of in awe of someone having played so many games that they could gush at least 2-3 paragraphs per entry about the games they liked. I got to watch as hours at a time they updated it until they had finished the whole list thing. At that time, in such an extremely nerdy and media must consoom attitude, I set a "lifegoal" to myself to actually find 100 games I could call my favorites too, and then someday make a list just like that.

It's not like my "main goal" in life persay, but it was certainly central enough for me to be playing 50-60 games a year besides just playing all of this for the fun and experience of it. Learned a lot since then, growing up for one lol. It feels simultaneously bizarre, weird, discomforting, satisfying, and exhilarating to have hit 100 and now reflect back on where that weird self serving goal has gotten me and made me encounter over time.

I don't know if I'll still make that long multi paragraph list but that bucket goal isn't technically finished until I finish it! I'll still need a new goal, so why not "get 100 new faves" on top. Here's to a continuously bright and enjoyable future of new experiences where we'll all continue to grow as people ^^

1 year ago

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1 year ago

That motto you've been described Luna, my God, it's basically me these last two years. I've been binging through almost 100 games on 2022, finishing not a lot of them, but learning sooo much and having fun in the process! And better yet, learning about the ins and outs of the gaming artistry. it's all about the abstracts: I'm still struggling with life as finding choice and goals in the long run, surviving the odds with whoever I love, but damn does feel good to aknowledge you've actually grown in a lot of stuff just because you've been playing some more vidya with a more level headed intention.

I do wanna be a critic though so it intertwines with my (entirely impossible to achieve) lifegoals :D

1 year ago

I remember that thread when I used to use Gaf before it went to shit. I tried doing my own list on here for 100 for that reason and I can't make that many games I feel truly deserve it. Maybe one day.

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