6 reviews liked by Luneth12

Seria um excelente jogo pra se jogar com os amigos numa tarde se ele se desse ao trabalho de funcionar como deveria, praticamente tudo no jogo é quebrado ou parece inacabado, além dos diversos bugs que chegaram até de me impedir na progressão, com uma história fraca e design da ilha desinteressante The Forest seria um desastre na minha visão, entretanto, de alguma forma ele me manteve preso do início ao fim, comigo terminando ele em uma jogada só, o motivo disso? nunca ri tanto em um jogo como esse, vários momentos icônicos ficaram cravados na minha memória, jogar com os amigos é definitivamente o melhor jeito de se experienciar esse jogo, pois mesmo sendo um produto que faltou muito polimento ainda provém muitos momentos genuínos.

This game is amazing, I would recomend it to anyone who likes JRPG.
Its not posible to talk about this game and not compare it inmediatly to Chained Echoes, at first I thougt this game was inferior, but after you reach the middle of the story that perspective began to change as this game have very strong points that chainde echoes didnt have. afeter finished both of them I can say tha they are two diferente flavors of awesomness.

The good:
The pixel art is mindblowing
The level design excellent, it reminds me sometimes of monument valley
The Story is very good, and its very emotional.
The combat system is very fun to play and sometimes put you in situations where you need to think hard about the best strategy, specially against bosses
The fhising: AAA games like tales of arise could learn a thing or two

The bad:
There is no crafting/upgrade system for weapons or armor.
Every character is stuck to his type of magic, you don't get many options here.
The combat system while fun and challenging, lacks depth

Muy bonito lo nuevo pero para mi han estropeado el juego con la tremenda curva de dificultad que hay de repente.

This was the first game I was really, really, REEEALLLY excited for a game. And boy did it live up. I will always cherish Super Mario Odyssey.

Game is five stars but this is a spineless ass port, it retailed for almost 80 bucks for nooo god damn reason, its from 2013 !! Remastered retailed for 60 was quickly reduced to 50 and averaged about 30 for years. Why the hell should this be 70 or 80?? Just shoot me