Ranking Souls

Haven't Finished all of them, will update as I finish them
Still plan to play:
Dark Souls (No DLC on hardware)
Demon's Souls

Not the best but still my favorite.
A bit lacking in soul but the most forgiving and rewarding.
Also a bit linear but I prefer it that way after Elden Ring.
Kind of understand why people hate it but FromSoft fans are dumb.
Took what made Dark Souls 1 interesting and expanded on it.
Bosses are kind of forgettable say a few.
Kind of Overrated
Fun for like 8 hours then gets tedious
Kind of hate the levels
Most bosses kind of suck
pls no remaster
Mixed Feelings
A bit bloated and I don't like the open world.
Too ambitious
Soulless and lazy remaster.
Went from a 4/5 to a 0/5 post Anor Londo.
Just wanted the game to end.


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