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MF_PORKy backloggd Factorio

22 hrs ago

2 days ago

MF_PORKy followed roxanneB

3 days ago

MF_PORKy commented on roxanneB's review of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
the brat diss at the start caught me off-guard this was gold

3 days ago

3 days ago

MF_PORKy completed Funny Pizza Land
If you know about this game, you're in too deep. Whilst everyone else is having fun in their Fortnite lobbies and their Minecraft server, your curiosity engulfed the every inch of your mind. When the synapses in your brain lead you to Funny Pizza Land, you're beyond no man's land. You're too deep in the rabbit hole, your ambition to dig up obscure and weird videogames led you to run in endless circles until you found exactly what you looked for.

When you stare at a void long enough, it stares back. This is what happens when its brightly dark eyes shine upon you. Once you find this game, it'll never leave you, crudely reminiscent of Hotel California, this game forms a chemical bond within you so strong it could slice tungsten with a tree branch. It's alien, it's foreign, out of this world, it hits every nasty note on a shitty keyboard, it feels like cold ice on an expose nerve. Every colorful adjective I could use to describe this game is redundant, human language is limited to never articulate raw emotion transcribed and this game is evidence of that.

As for the game itself, it sure is a game. It's like, a puzzle platformer almost? it's really hard to describe but you walk around. Insert generic comparison to Yume Nikki here, this game genuinely freaks the fuck out of me though. It goes beyond the uncanny valley, I don't know how this game makes me feel but I feel like an endangered animal playing this. Overall an unforgettable experience, but stay away at all costs. Nothing is funny about this pizza land, this is no laughing matter.

3 days ago

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