14 reviews liked by MIKEYWAZOWSKI



fun and cozy and very enjoyable to just run around and solve silly puzzles and take silly photos :')





Charming visuals, brisk dialogue, and observation-based puzzles all add up quite nicely - and it doesn't overstay its welcome.



Short & sweet! Makes me want to pick up photography again <3



Pleasant is the first word that comes to mind when I think of Toem. It's a very relaxing experience that wants you to capture moments in a wonderful world. It's charming, it's funny and it's cute. The soundtrack is fantastic, the artwork is great and the writing all come together in an excellent little package. It's all very inviting and begs you to look at everything with your own eye.

At the end of the adventure, going through the pictures I took along the way was the best part. The subject we all view is the same but it really felt unique with how I wanted to frame it. Grab your camera, take your time and just enjoy.

Honestly, just a nice cozy little time. It's not complex, but sometimes you just want to hang out with some weird little dudes. Frog Detective is always the second-best detective in my heart.

nearly cried when he got a hat that fit

Given how short, simple, and silly this series is; there has been way more effort put into the Frog Detective games then honestly needed to be put into them. But that just makes these game even better. Just simply fun and goofiness all around, definitely worth a fun little play through.

giggled a lot. simply adore this little gay frog and his weird friends, had a good time!

Pep's Detective Deep Dive - Game 3
Did you expect me to give this a bad review? What, do you think I'm some kind of monster?

This is just what a sleepy Sunday afternoon needed. A zero-stakes, simple adventure game that didn't tax my braincells and frequently made me laugh. Each episode is more expansive than the last (and by "expansive" I mean that the second episode lets you put stickers on a notebook, and the third episode gives you a sick-ass scooter) and the twist in the third episode got me genuinely emotionally invested.

The only thing that kinda irked me was the occasional moment where the creator would literally insert herself into the game, interrupting the story to deliver some kind of "well, actually" message about how something a character said was wrong. I don't know if these moments were supposed to be jokes but they felt really weird to me, like the video game equivalent of a Twitter community note.

It's cute, it's fun, and it's on Game Pass. If you're looking for a short little adventure game where you don't have to think very hard then Frog Detective is perfect for you.

P.S. I'll play some actual detective games soon, I swear!