49 reviews liked by MPass

Beyond just being a showcase of the Dualsense, Astro's Playroom is a game that celebrates Playstation's history is a really clever way. Loved finding all the references tucked throughout.

I don’t care what people say about gen 8, I loved the shit out of the games. I loved dynamax battles, and this felt like a good pokémon game, very very overhated.

[ Story: 7/10 | Gameplay: 8/10 | OST: 8/10 ]

I quite like the adventure of this tale. It's a grand, chip chip cheerio experience from beginning to finish, innit? Ah, god save the queen.

"Nice view for a shitty ass dump"

Blood on the Sand is perfect B-Movie game. The chaotic spirit of just shredding through hoards of enemies while 50 quips the absolute dumbest lines of dialogue is something everyone should experience.

The year is 2022 and I got 1000g in 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand in 4K HDR on my Series X. Nature is healing.

A platforming work of art. What an awesome game. 3D World feels like a console sized version of 3D Land. And honestly that's all it really needed to be to achieve excellence.

The levels are all just short enough to encourage replayability. The characters all feel great to run around in. The cat suit rules. A blast from start to finish. I'm so glad this got ported to Switch. It's a Mario game everyone should absolutely play.

I gave up on the bonus world because holy shit is it ever difficult. Maybe I'll go back some day but for now I'll call it quits so I can preserve my sanity lmao.

(This review does not factor in Bowser's Fury)

Awesome soundtrack and sprites make this brawler such a vibe.

I'm not a huge fan of brawlers to begin with, so the gameplay, while good, was nothing that blew me away.

A fun diversion for an hour or two that's even better with friends.

Feels like this is where the Sakurai's trademark humor started to find it's way into the Kirby games.

Super Star is funny, fast paced and kind of all over the place? There are 3-4 main campaigns here and the quality varies. The Great Cave Offensive in particular just sucks. I enjoyed that they're trying harder to tell a story with Kirby but I had a hard time getting over how disjointed it all felt. It really felt like I was playing bits and pieces of different Kirby games.

The copy abilities here are cool though and sprite art is quite good as well. It just feels like it's missing something for me to really enjoy it more.

Aesthetically, an absolute banger. Dream Land 3 nails the toybox look. The OST reminds me of the Rugrats theme. Kirby is adorable and the animal friends are better than ever. Honestly just an adorable game all around.

Which is why it's a bummer that it just feels ok to play. Lots of gimmick levels where you just need to open doors in a specific order or insta death stuff. Most of the levels are fine though, but nothing really feels special other than a few fun bosses.

Would love to see these vibes applied to a game that feels better to play.

Another stellar Gears game.

Enjoyed how much this one felt like a blockbuster. A lot of the story beats, especially near the end, really worked for me. Marcus is at his best here, while the rest of the cast is kind of just there. Because it's the first 4 player co-op entry, there are quite a few squadmates that feel like they don't fit in (Sam and Jayce particularly).

The gunplay is as strong as ever and shooting locusts still feels great. The only downside in this one is that the Lambent aren't the best. They're ok. But fighting locusts is just more fun.

Oh I also played a few hours of the MP and it absolutely slaps. Great stuff all around.