It's... ok? I thought it was really boring, feels like they spent most of the budget on actually marketing the game and hiring the voice cast. Most of the game is just listening to the characters talk to each other, and the payoff at the end is just weird. Was hoping for a bit more dynamic gameplay when it came to catching different Bugsnax, but most of the critters felt the same to catch.

I felt like revisiting one of my favorite games of all time. The gameplay, while a bit clunky at times, still holds up today and managed to keep me hooked. The first night I played for 3 hours without even realizing. Great music, atmosphere, superb level design. Fun combat and build possibilities. Some frustrating bosses, but nothing too bad. Will probably replay several more times in the future.


Waited a while for this game. I'd say it was worth the wait. Surreal RPG with horror and deep themes. Faraway Town (real world) segments kind of felt like they dragged a little at times. Combat was really interesting at first, and overall pretty good. However, it felt a little too shallow. Most encounters could be cleared with no trouble using a combination of early game skills. Didn't feel like even bothering with some late game skills I got because the early game skills worked so well. Good music and art.

A vast and deep sandbox/survival game. Lots of gear and secrets to discover. Even after 25 hours I've barely scratched the surface. Didn't hook me quite like something like Minecraft, but all the pieces of a great game are here.

The game drew me in initially with it's incredible atmosphere. It's a pretty simple and relaxing fishing game with an eerie twist. Explores some Lovecraftian adjacent themes.
I do wish the game had a bit more depth to it though, pun intended. It became pretty predictable around half way through and the environment did not feel more threatening. I would have loved some situations that forced me to adapt my playstyle while trying to avoid the horrors of the night, but it didn't feel like there were many.
Solid game, not a lot of others like it.

A classic first person shooter. Shows its age quite often, but still a blast to play. Not much else to say about this other than it's Halo.

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Loved this game with a couple really egregious exceptions. This game hooked me at Balteus and then completely lost me at CEL 240. Do not play this game with mouse and keyboard, some late game bosses become extremely difficult without hard lock.
I'm starting to really dislike From Soft's boss design philosophy. CEL 240 and Ayre both suffer from the same design of, "I'm going to fly 720 degrees around you at mach 5, while chipping away at you with an endless barrage of missiles. If you so much as dare to get hit by one of my stronger attacks, you will unfortunately have to try again." Balteus was extremely manageable once you realized you just needed to be aggressive and use a shield shredding weapon. The other more difficult bosses just feel like RNG.
Everything else about the game was superb though. Soundtrack, customization, and combat were all amazing. You could spend hours customizing your mech in really crazy ways, I've seen some amazing designs.
CEL 240 just sucked all of my enjoyment out of the game near the end. I tried it for a while with my standard build and then realized I just didn't want to spend the time on this shit. Switched to double Zimmerman and breezed past it.
Real bummer that a couple of those bosses are just way too overtuned. Even Sea Spider was totally fine, I don't know why they nerfed that and Balteus but left CEL and Ayre alone.

Really compelling, only complaint is some clunky mechanics and movement at times. Also some of the later puzzles were just a matter of trial and error until you got the right timing which was kind of tedious. Otherwise it was just the right length, a fun little horror game for spooky month. Probably great to play while high too.

This is a really fun coop survival game set in a family's backyard. There was tons of intrigue and mystery every step of the way. Also worth noting that this game has crossplay functionality between PC and Xbox. Progression can feel kind of weird at times with not a lot of clarity on where you should be. Sometimes it will feel like we are exploring the right zone and then run into some obstacle or enemy we can't yet hurdle.

This is a solid first entry in the Souls series. Bluepoint did a great job giving the visuals and audio of this game a major upgrade. The PS5 can run it at a super smooth 60fps and it still looks beautiful. That being said I think this is the weakest Souls game. There were some really great levels, for me the Ivory Tower was dripping in atmosphere, but overall it's quite short with some frustrating bosses.

Pretty fun soulslike third person shooter. Fun with friends, interesting weapons and bosses. Randomized campaign is a detriment to the game though. You end up missing a lot of things and I don't feel the game is worth revisiting to try and find all the content you missed.

Really interesting game with some surprising twists. Atmosphere in spades. I won't spoil anything in the review, as it's worth a play blind.

Beautiful graphics. Good character designs and dialogue. Really fun combat. A little linear. Worth a replay.

Masterful storytelling, lovable characters. Immersive, despite having the graphics of a Playstation 2 game. Combat was fun, dungeon crawling was decent to good. There were a few moderately BS level curves in the game, thankfully remedied entirely by the option to increase EXP gains. This option abolished all grinding and I wish more RPGs had it. Beautiful soundtrack. Appears to be very replayable as well, but likely won't replay it for a while due to its length. Some minor flaws like tedious dungeon design and progression hold it back from being perfect.

This is a fun game but you definitely have to make your own fun in it. By that I mean it's much better with friends, as playing alone the "quests" get pretty tiring and repetitive. It's worth noting that this game also has crossplay between PC and Xbox, which is a big plus.