Gameboy Color should not have racing games on it.

The save system in this game is fucking abhorrent. Either go with no saves so I can have the satisfaction of knowing I beat a game in one go or allow me to save after every level so I can fully enjoy the game to its fullest. If the levels were good enough to be deserving of a replay I would go out of my way to replay this game multiple times as opposed to being forced into the shittiest levels multiple times so I can unlock Candy/Funky to save. I more fondly remember the levels I could beat on one try than the ones that would kick my ass after losing many lives to a shitty ice level. Also, don't give me two characters if I'm going to consistently lose them in the dumbest way possible. If I make a terrible jump as Donkey and fall to my death, and Diddy somehow lands on a platform miraculously despite that, dont' make him slide down with me. Switch me to Diddy and let me continue playing as him instead of making me lose what is essentially two lives. With that being said, it does have the most enjoyable water levels of any platformer I've played.

So many literary references in this one!

Kinda funny how intuitive this game is for a gaijin such as myself. I did play this translated in English, but I find it peculiar how a good murder mystery game (of which there are many on the NES) managed to make it on the console, but only in Japan.

Galaga - An excellent game for all ages. It involves taking control of a space ship and shooting at aliens while avoiding being hit by the aliens' projectiles.

It is simple and fun, so everyone can enjoy playing it.

Great hack-n-slash with tight gameplay and an amazing narrative and characters, with an almost poetic take on Greek Mythology.

A saga de mass effect é uma das mais ambiciosas de todos os tempos, uma verdadeira obra prima. A história envolvente, os personagens extremamente interessantes, os diálogos e decisões que podem salvar ou por fim a vida de alguém são coisas incríveis em todo o design do jogo.

"Furry bait" - man who loves the feeling that being the Big Bad Wolf gives

Fortnite is the newest, most addicting game to hit the market. It's a 'survival game' in which players are dropped into a map and have to scavenge for resources while fending off waves of zombies. The catch? The zombies are replaced by cartoonish, gender-swapped versions of popular internet celebrities.

The graphics are colorful and sleek, and the gameplay is incredibly addictive. The best part? The game is free-to-play, so there's no reason not to try it out.

However, there are a few caveats. First and foremost, the game is incredibly edgy. The internet celebrities that you shoot are often clad in revealing clothing, and there is a lot of violence and gore. Secondly, the game is very Procedurally Generated, so you never know what you're going to get. Finally, the game is still in Early Access, so it's bound to have a few bugs.

Overall, Fortnite is an incredibly fun and addicting game. However, it's definitely not for everyone. If you're easily offended or squeamish, you might want to give this one a pass.

Resident Evil is back and it's looking better than ever! The updated visuals and gameplay are top notch, and the new features are sure to please longtime fans and newcomers alike. The only downside is that the game is still pretty darn scary - but that's part of the fun, right?

Sue > Alyssa > Susan >>>> Lily >>>>>>>> Julia >>>>>>>>>>> Chloe >>>>>>>>>>>>> literal dog shit >>>>>>>>>> Emily

This is actually an insanely good game held back by the fact that it has almost useless AI friends (I understand that they are there for ambience in theory, but if they won't actively shoot at things running past them, don't put them in the game to give me that false sense of reassurance) and shitty levels where you have to hold back an area (namely for the reason being the shitty AI allies). Still a fun experience for me though, so I can't be mad even though I was while playing it.

My first impressions of this game was the fact that it was so much better than Megaman when it comes to its shooting and jumping, which felt much smoother, but goddamn is the layout for where you need to go retarded. I will complete it one day, just don't care enough to at the moment.

I hold the world record for least buttons pressed on a winning run.