Before I started playing this, I thought this was gonna be a B rank FPS, one that wouldn't blow me away but one that would give me a good time. And after playing, I was exactly right. This is one of the most B rank games I've played. That isn't a bad thing, I really did enjoy it, but I knew what I was getting into with this. If I played this when it first came out, I probably would have been blown away, but I wasn't alive then, so I'm judging it off of right now.

First off, the Levels were the highlight. I really though they were very well put together and were intelligently designed. They were fairly memorable to me as well. Don't ask me what the names of those areas/missions are because those are very unmemorable names.

I'm just gonna get the story out of the way because it is one of the weakest parts of the game if not THE weakest part of the game. I honestly don't really have a single clue what was going on in the story and I didn't try to. I don't think that it's convoluted, it just isn't good at telling the player exactly what's happening. Maybe it's just me. I thought the Cutscenes were cool for like 1 minute then they were just kinda lame. Having real people act felt like I was watching one of those true crime TV shows. After playing Max Payne on the Original Xbox where I played this as well, these kinds of cutscenes were just not hitting the same in any way.

The gameplay is good but not great. I feel like the game wants the player to be a little more tactical, but I think the best way to play is to just run in guns blazing. It makes things way more intense and fun, and I'm sure that's how most people play anyway. The shooting itself wasn't anything special and was honestly just average.

I will say, this game is very technically impressive for the time it came out. There was so many explosions going on when I was playing and I had no frame rate issues. Literally zero. Also graphically it is very impressive for it's time as well. It's lacking heavily in its color pallette, but I really love that retro style of "trying to look real but can't".

I mentioned it already, but the amount of explosions really made this game a lot better. It honestly does get really crazy, throw one grenade and you can blow up a house, fire a rocket and you can blow up two buildings.

The Music score really surprised me, it was really damn good, but sadly for some reason didn't play the music very often. It's a shame because when it was playing it was really good.

One of the things people mention always mention with this game is the sound design, specifically the sound of the guns. They really are very good, and very loud so don't turn up your TV to loud. The sound in general is great, breaking windows, blowing things up, reloading, the sound is the real crowning achievement of this game.

Now my absolute biggest problem with the game. The Checkpoints. My gosh these things can get bad. These levels are long, like 30 minutes long. With long levels like this you'd think there would be a lot more checkpoints, but nope, there isn't. You could play for like 7-10 minutes and die, and when you expect to reload, the game only gives you the options of, "Restart The Mission" or "Quit". This honestly gives a the overall score a decent hit.

Overall, I liked this game. It's a damn good FPS, and a game I'm glad I played. It's fun and worth a try. If you like shooters, I'd give this a try, but I wouldn't recomend it to everyone.

Score: 3.6/5
Letter Grade: B

I was itching to play Mario Bros Wonder but since it wasn't coming out for a little while (when I started playing this) I decided to sit down and play this, and I'm glad I did. Luigi is one of my favorite characters in any game or medium. I remember having it as a kid but I don't remember beating it, I'll remember beating it now though.

First off, the most important thing in a Nintendo Platformer, the level design. I was honestly a little surprised how good it was, since the game is presented as "New Super Mario Bros U" but without Mario. The design of the levels are much more challenging and a lot smaller than the original game, and if they didn't do that this game would have no way of distinguishing itself from the other games. Luigi's movement is much more slippery and different from Mario's, and though it can make some sections of levels very frustrating, it's a breath of fresh air to play the games in a new way like this.

Of the all "New Super" games, this is maybe the most unique (besides New Super DS). It's 100 second time limit, different movement, and level design, you really have to play it to see what I mean. The other games in the series don't have this unique of levels, nor this level of difficulty.

Speaking of difficulty, this game has it, a lot. I found it way harder then I thought it would be, and honestly it's one of the most difficult Nintendo platformers I've ever played. I had to set my controller down and walk away multiple times do to how pissed off this game would make me. Luckily the difficulty isn't horseshit, it's actually fair and the challenge is what keeps you coming back.

The Music is still absolutely amazing. I know people don't like how much music is reused in this series, but the music is just so damn good I just don't care about it's lack of originality.

I'm fairly certain that the map lay-out is the same in "New Super Mario Bros U" as it is here. I just find it interesting since usually smaller, shorter levels means that there will be more levels, but there seems to be the same amount. I would usually not like this, but for this game it works really well in it's favor. It works well because it makes it so you can sit down and blast through it in a few hours, and I feel like it ended when it should have, and if it went on with a bunch more smaller levels it would have felt like a drag to get through. With this level of difficulty, I enjoy how short it is.

I know that the world map is identical to the Wii U, but damn they just look so good. I honestly think these are the best worlds (appearance wise) in any 2D mario game. The overworld music is really great too. My personal favorite world is probably the Desert or the Cloud area.

There really isn't a story like in all these games, but the cutscenes that there are I really enjoyed. The best parts were when you go through the castles and have to climb up the stairs as you watch one of the Koopalings ships in the distance, and then launch yourself in from a canon to go and kick their asses.

The boss fights are nothing special as per usual. I have no problem with the Koopalings, but their fights have barely changed since Super Mario Bros. 3. It's still the same old jump on their head three times and you win. Bowser Jr still has the best fights in the game as usual, but compared to "New Super Mario Bros. Wii", the bosses leave much to be desired. Bowser's Bossfight was cool, but compared to Wii, it's night and day, Wii is way better and way more memorable.

Not much I don't enjoy about this game, it's really frickin awesome. The boss fights leave much to be desired, the feel of Luigi can be frustrating in certain levels, and not being able to die and keep the stars you collected before dying is really stupid. Despite those things, it's a Nintendo platformer, and Luigi's in it! So that makes it a masterpiece, and a must play for anyone who like videogames.

Score: 4.3/5
Letter Grade: A

Beat this for the second time, and yeah, it's still absolutey amazing. Does so much in such little amount of time and has your full attention the whole time.

For starters, the gameplay is peak. Everyone already knows this so i'm just gonna move on.

BT and Jack Cooper are certainly up there with the best duos in gaming. They're up there with Mario and Luigi, Sonic and Tales, Link and Zelda, Banjo and Kazooie, Donkey Kong and Diddy, I honestly believe they really are THAT good of a duo.

The story at face value is nothing special. But then the game gets going, and you get out of the first level, and everying comes together. The levels really tell the whole story, and they are the thing you'll think the most about when the game ends. Though the highlight of the story is the relationship between BT and Jack. I already talked about them, but their relationship is the most vital part of the narrative.

The only gripe I have with the game, is that once you start to get good with the movement, the game ends. Another problem is that I felt that in combat they didn't utalise the movement mechaincs enough in the design of the areas where you fight the enemies, it made me feel at times like I was just playing a regular shooter, and not Titanfall 2.

Besides my pretty minor complaints, I love this damn game. It's a game I can see myself beating multiple times a year when I want something quick and awesome to play, I do wish it was a little longer at times, but then I also think about how that would result in me playing it less. Multiplayer is good to but I definitly prefer the main story which is what this review is about. If you like Video Games, play this game.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

The perfect Arcade game and the start of a great gaming Icon and franchise.

Score: 3.5/5
Letter Grade: B

Genuenly a great time, but only for about 20 minutes then I get bored. That's ok though since that's what they made the game to be. Pretty much a perfect puzzle game. People definitly rate it a bit to high because it's Tetris, still a great game though.

Score: 3.5/5
Letter Grade: B

I was extemely disapointed with this game. Story was pretty bad, boss frights were downgraded as well. The gameplay was fun, but when they put the story so front and center like they did, it better be good, and in this case it wasn't. Also, 50 dollars for a game I could beat in 3-5 hours? They should have just let Insomniac take their time with this game, we could have gotten something much better. The game just feels rushed. It feels like they used the rough draft of the story and never changed it. Hoepfully Spiderman 2 will be much better than this, as it looks to be.

Score: 2.8/5
Letter Grade: C+

The way I was gonna try to "beat" this game was to make it through 3 generations of my sims family, but then I realized how long that was going to take. I decided that after I beat Breath of The Wild, I was just gonna play this one more time and then end the playthrough.

I enjoyed the game, but not as much as I did when I was younger( Partcially because I used cheats back then). The gameplay on the Xbox360 version is good, just very laggy. I've seen some gameplay from the PC version and they look like totally different games. On the PC it looks way bigger and more indepth. 360 version is still good, just a more limiting experience.

The only sim games I've played are this, and the Sims 4. Compared to the Sims 4, the Sims 3 is night and day. It's way better and suprisingly has more for you to do in the base game.

Overall, I had a good time with this game. I would have rated this higher if this was years ago, but I did seem to like it less now that I'm a bit older. Still a good, solid game, but I would only recomend it to people who are fans of the series or Sim type games, not people who like games in general.

Score: 3.5/5
Letter Grade: B

Beat this back in either 2017 or 2018. I remember it being unlike anything I had ever played, especially when it came to the Zelda series. When I played the other Zelda games as a kid, I always thought they were cool but could never get into them because they were to hard for me. Breath of The Wild changed that, and now the Zelda franchises is on of my favorites.

Finally got around to beating it again after so many years. I forgot just how limitless the world was. Theres so much you can do in it. Honestly it's probably the perfect format for an open world game. It just lets you loose into the kingdom of Hyrule, and I loved every minute of it.

Love the story and the characters. Cutscenes were cool and Link is still on of the best characters in fiction. Loved all the desings for the charcters as well.

Story was great as usual with Zelda games, even though the story took a back seat to the gameplay. Really enjoyed the dinamic between Link and Zelda, honestly all the dynamics with Link in any other chacter were all pretty much perfect.

The Ending was good but the final boss was a bit easy, but thats no a big deal since how cinematic they made the ending. Great ending cutscene after the credits as well.

Not much I didn't like about the game. Link's movements can be a little weird sometimes, the titles sceen was lame, the Horse movement could have been a lot better, the line delivery on the voice acting definitley needed some work, and the fact that if you want to continue your playthrough after you beat Ganon you have to start back before you beat him always pissed me off, but all and all, those are very minor complaints to the overall experience.

Not much to say that already hasn't been said about a game that has been called a masterpiece by pretty much everyone who plays it. Just one of the best experiences in gaming, and in any art form in general.

Score: 4.8/5
Letter Grade: S++

These games really aren't that good. Gameplay wise they are extremly out dated and not that fun anyway. Story is ok, but again, gameplay over everything. Only time I enjoyed this is playing with friend on custom games.

Score: 2.5/5
Letter Grade: C

Finally off the backlog. I played this game as a kid and loved it. I don't remember beating it back then though. Now that I have beaten it, yeah, this is one of the best games ever made just like I thought.

For starters, like usual with Nintendo games, the level design is as good as it gets. The mechanics and overall art design of the levels is some of the best I've seen. Really loved how small the levels were. I liked it so much becasue that allows for many more levels to be made, and a lot more ideas to be realized. Though just like in the game that inspired it, Super Mario 3D World, the more levels, the less memorable they are. This really isn't that big of a deal considering how good the levels are, but the other Mario games, Galaxy 1 and 2, Sunshine, 64, and Odyssey, have less levels but they are more memorable. Luckily the levels in Captain Toad are designed extremley intelligently, so it makes up for it. I only disliked like 4 or 5 levels, so that should tell you how good the levels are.

The look of the game is just as impressive as the Gameplay and levels, as it is one of the best looking games on the Wii U, and in any game I've played in general. Very colorful and lots of detail.

Not much story with most Nintendo platformers, but the story it has is very heartwarming. Toad and Toadett being seperated over and over, but never giving up, and eventually reuniting, is a great love story that I really enjoyed.

Not much wrong with the game, the over utilization of the game pad is a bit annoying at times, and because Toad and Toadett are so weak, sometimes enemies can be a bit too aggravating. Those are pretty minor things though, pretty much a perfect Puzzle Platformer. Nintendo, make a sequal for crying out loud!

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

Damn, what a game. Max Payne is a great third person shooter with one of the most badass mechanics I've seen in a video game, Bullet Time. If this game didn't have bullet time, it would be a good game, but with bullet time it becomes a great game. The story alone is one of the best I've seen in a video game, and it was honestly suprising to see a story like this on this hardware (The OG Xbox).

Gameplay wise it's great, and honestly some of the best gunplay I've seen in a game (so far). Really enjoyed how the player would be rewared for looking around and scavenging for Painkillers and Ammo, immersed me in the game even more.

Speaking of immersion, the level of interactivity in the world around you is something I love and appreciate about this game. When games let you do stuff like that, even if it has no impact on the game in general, I still love the fact that I can just go over to something and click a button, or open a drawer, stuff that is useless like that I just love.

The Levels are highly memorable for me, especially the first chapter with the devil worshiping guy, and the final one when your scaling the building. Honestly I had no idea how creepy this game and it's levels were, especially the dream sequenced, they creeped me the fuck out.

Some things I didn't like were the AI being a little to aware of where you were, even If they never saw you they would just sometimes know where you were. Aiming can be a bit uncomfortable at times on the controller, so I think it might be better using a mouse. Some times I had no clue what to do and look up a walkthrough , this issue didn't come up very often luckily. Voice acting could have been a lot better, not for Max himself though, he sounds great. My complaints about the game are very minor, and the good heavily outweighs the bad.

Maz Payne is a gaming icon, and I'm glad I finally got to play and beat this game. Hopefully the second game is as good as this one, hopefully it's better. They really need to make a new installment, that would be great.

Score: 4.4/5
Letter Grade: A

An amzing sequal to one of my favorite games of all time. I'll have to replay both of them and comfirm which of the two is better. Last Light is a lot more action packed than 2033, but I feel the first one had a better, more intelligent story, or maybe I'm just fucking stupid. Anyway, if you like to play videogames, play this game and all the Metro games. Peak series.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

One of the most unique experiences you can have in a game. Really enjoyed it. It's also pretty damn funny.

Score: 4.1/5
Letter Grade: A-

Finally beat this game after having it for like 10 or 11 years. This game is extremely important to me. I grew up with it and played it a ton as a kid. Brings back memories of my Grandma and being at her house playing this. I cherish those memories since my grandmother passed away, so beating this game means a lot to me.

Now to the actual review. I honestly don't really know quite what to make of this game. It doesn't take very long to beat, only like 4-5 hours. This isn't a bad thing at all, just thought I should note it.

The Gameplay is your average 3D platformer, so it's ok. Not great by any means, but ok. Jumps can be a little weird sometimes, the camera screws up a lot so you can't always see the exact spot your going to land. This isn't that bad tho, so I guess I'll give it a pass.

The Animation of the Cutscenes are really well done, and it impresses me that they got it to look like that on a Gamecube. The voice-acting was really well done as well, all characters sound great, especially Bugs and Daffy.

The best thing about the game is the Looney Tunes theme. Looney Tunes is probably the best cartoon franchise of all time, and one of my favorite fictional worlds. They do a great job with the Looney Tunes humor and tropes that makes the cartoon so great.

I really liked the levels and thought they were intelligently designed to be fun and have that good Looney Tune charm. The missions to get the monkeys are nothing special though, and neither are the collectables, but they're an alright distraction from the main game.

Now the worst part about the game. This honestly drops the games rating down pretty hard, and if it wasn't in the game, I might have given this game a 3.8/5. At the end of the game, you reach the door you need to enter to get to the final stretch of the game. Now mind you, this game makes you collect monkeys like they're Stars or Jiggies, but these monkeys are never actually needed to progress to the next level. But for some reason, when you get to that that door, you now all the sudden need 35 monkeys to open the door. There are a total of 45 monkeys in the game so it may not seem like that big of a hassle, but then you realize you have to go through every level and get the bonus monkeys, and the game doesn't just allow you to run through the level freely to do it, you have to do the missions all over again. The ending boss fight isn't even worth all this hassle, and I had to look up what the hell to do to beat that final boss.

Despite that massive hiccup, I still have a special place in my heart for this game, and genuinely had a good time with it. It's good Looney Tunes gaming, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to play a good 3D Platformer.

Score: 3.4/5
Letter Grade: B

Gotta say, I was pretty suprised just how much I like this game. It's a work of art, not in a Occarina of Time type of way, but this game is just so beautiful to look at. Seriously, the art direction is great and the music is outstanding. The creatures that you take pictures of are beautful, especially the Capibara. The atmosphere is so relaxing and beautiful. The game is very short, but honestly now adays I like to play these really short games since every big game seems to take 50+ hours to beat. The thing that holds this game back is how short it is and how little there is to the actual gameplay. Besides that I highly recomend.

Score: 3.5/5
Letter Score: B