An advanced form of Stockholm syndrome, I hate this game, I don't enjoy playing it, and I play more...

I love this game to every direction of my heart, its beautiful. Rest in Peace, Alec Holowka.

A beautiful game that hides itself as a personality test, it is a personality test, but so much more.

Funny cop drinks lots and becomes a retro-grade amnesiac and attempts to solve a murder case. Turns out its hard to solve a case whilst your mentally ill and have around 24 voices in your head telling you what to do, but with the power of friendship and his partner Lt. Kim Kitsuragi, friendship will prevail! Find out what happens in this epic tale, in the next episode only on Disco Elysium!

"Oh look a guy not fighting anyone, I shall challenge him to a duel! Wow this is fun! Oh that's a second guy coming into help him, oh and a third, and a fourth, and they are all swinging and stabbing... Oh I'm dead."

Has essentially been most of my experience, I do enjoy the game but god the gank culture in this game can be really infuriating sometimes.

Who keeps leaving messages on your answering machine?...

I love this game, it's story, world building, and music is all beautiful. It has the same strengths as NITW, but a different genre. I love this game truly.

You never know true addiction until you buy this game, and then 3 days later have 55 hours put into it.

Good Game, shame about the state its currently in.

An Edgy shooter with crude humor and fun violence. Music and action that will have you whispering to yourself, "I regret nothing..." as you drive to work/school, I like the game, but some fans can be major assholes.