A good game that also proves you can gaslight people into thinking the most basic and least subtle "believe in yourself" story is somehow groundbreaking if you jingle keys in front of the most annoying people online.

One of the most conflicting games I've played this year. I went from "this is great" to "what is this" every 30 seconds

Positives first : the controls are tight and responsive. Hitting the road with the bike feels good and the movement options allow for a lot of creativity. The instant respawn is a godsend and should be a standard in every game where you die in one hit. Blowing birds to smithereens never gets old and the OST is pretty good. I didn't like the overall story but the ending is great

Unfortunately there's a lot of bad. The story is impossible to take seriously when characters swear everytime (NPC aren't much better and aren't helped by most quests boiling down to fetch). The enemy placement is really puzzling at times, especially later on when they get gatlings with shots that are pointless to reflect since they can only be hit from above or behind homing rocket launchers (and believe me those rockets follow you to the other side of the fucking planet). The upgrades are also bad. You need around 30k money to upgrade everything but most of those upgrades don't feel substancial. Only things you really need are shotgun, pistol and bag upgrades, the rest is pretty much bait. And good luck farming when there's the dark souls mechanic where you lose half your money upon death and have to retrieve it by going where you died (It's not that bad since there's a lot of checkpoints but it's still annoying)

On the mixed bag the game has 6 bosses. Similarly to the rest of the game most are good but the 2 bad ones (caterpillar and crab) really suck ass

Did I like the game ? I mean yeah I finished it but it's definitely an acquired taste. It's either a GOTY contender or a frustrating experience that feels worse than it could be

The Daidoji are incompetent buffoons, 3/4 of the game are spent running errands, there's so much padding it looks like they were trying to meet an arbitrary length to justify the game being sold full price (with dlc lmao), the ennemies are either thousands of armed guys as aggressive as if they were single or block spammers

But that fucking ending man I cried with him

As with all WayForward games, calling it mid isn't an insult it's a description.

This game sucks but its core is literally yakuza 2 so it gets 3 stars by default. With that being said don't get filtered by idiots who think anything made before 2013 is the stone age and go play the amazing original Yakuza 2 insted of its soulless counterpart

Plays better and isn't as oppressively linear as the first. Worse in every other regard even if some of it wasn't good to begin with (Noel is mid and Serah barely matters but their competition is Lightning which means the bar is stuck in the earth's core) . The game playing better and Caius being the kind of character I wish was in a better game bump the rating to a mid.

This might be the best fangame of all time. Everything good about megaman battle network was kept or improved, everything bad was removed or made interesting and all the new additions are really fun except some optionnel bosses. Hell even the writing is good which is a rarity for fangames.

Somehow the weird 30 years old individuals who are saying animes suck now because they're all full of fanservice unlike ghost in the shell while only watching the currently most popular shonen managed to trick people into thinking a game that has every jrpg cliché in the book and then some is "revolutionnary" or "the only good one"

This game represents some of the best aspects of modern AAA gaming but also is a showcase of its worst

Let's start with the good : the game looks gorgeous : the environment, the character models, the animations, everything looks great. Speaking of the animations the instakills are crunchy as hell, you feel the strength of ripping a body in half and that never gets old. The presentation is also top notch and I understand how in a first playthrough it looks so impressive

Noticed something ? I never talked about the game part. And that's because everything about it is a bunch of popular gaming trends without asking why it works and would it work with this genre.

Vikings are popular with shit like Skyrim, Vinland Saga and...well Vikings so let's go with this setting. Looting and gear systems have been prominent in most games so let's have this even if it doesn't make sense in this setting. The last of us is the blueprint for modern AAA gaming ? Let's add a son to Kratos and make him a sad angry dad but also make the boy a glorified assist button because god forbid he mildly inconveniences you (he still does with that inexplicable fit he throw during the game that stops like 30 minutes later but whatever). Some of it goes against each other such as the single camera shot for immersion sake but also being able to fuck around to do side quests

Also the climbing is like Uncharted without the setpieces (you know the one good thing about Uncharted climbing since both this and dad of war were just glorified press X and a direction and you will be magnetized to a wall)

The game still has lots of problems on its own. The single shot gimmick prevents the camera from moving too much and is way too close to the player as a result, the game decides randomly that you or the enemy's attacks will land even if you're too far from each other by dragging the attacker like action man toys 6 years old me would play with. Sometimes you kick a frozen enemy into a wall and insta-kills them but the next of the same enemy doesn't react to the kick or the axe simply bounces. The game took inspiration from dmc but the wrong one because some ennemies can only be hit by a certain weapon (something universal panned by even the biggest contratians who still think DmC is a good game)

Speaking of that I hope you enjoy fighting repeat bosses because this game is like Yakuza 0 except instead of Kuze who had something unique every encounter (2 he had a pipe, 3 brass knuckles, 4 you had a partner and he had ads with him and 5 he has that qte and remixed theme) here it's the same troll you kill with that pillar slam everytime. Clever move to put the best boss fight in the game at the very beginning tho.

The last 2 trends the game took from are the worst on my eyes : treating the player like a braindead zombie who has to not think and making the game as long as possible to reach an arbitrary time limit that makes a game good despite no one saying they prefer 30 mid hours to 10 good ones. The second is self-explanatory. The first is simply how easy the puzzles are, how nothing can bother or challenge the player too much (failed btw because I can tell you dying because the game decided to slide the enemy into you despite being clearly too far to hit is in fact bothersome) and how prominent unskippable cutscenes of you walking very slowly while people are talking. Which also tanks its replayability

This game has a flawless presentation and I understand most people who play AAA aren't familiar with action games or OG GOW (I myself am not with the trilogy hence why I haven't talked about Kratos's evolution even if this review is already way too long) but it represents everything I despise about modern AAA and why I drifted away from it the last few years. It has nothing unique, nothing special and nothing would be said in a few years when they call god of war 2018 the best game of all time when asked what is memorable about it

UFO but good. The many particles effects and some background make visibility pretty shit (stage 4 is the worst offender)

What the game does well is in its setting, the idea of 3 yakuza families essentially fighting for domination of hell but making a truce to fight a common enemy is cool as shit. I also really like how the game ends by pretty much being the same pre-incident with the idea that some things are impossible to change. Saki, Keiki, Mayumi and Kutaka are also based.

This and Yakuza 1 are comparable to Street fighter I and II, a clunky but promising prototype becoming what it was always meant to be. The combat is near perfect (outside of the heat meter being very slow), the story is very well-written even if a bit too fast at times and I love Ryuji Goda. He's a simple yet perfect character for this game and Kiryu. The substories are the only aspect K2 improves upon as some of the original are missable and even if you did them all some are tied to HARD mini-games. Though the Amon fights are better in the original (still bad tho)

Among the closest things to a perfect game, don't feel intimidated because the models don't look as detailed as Kiwami 2 or because idiots decided that anything made before 2014 is the stone age and the only people who like those games are biased nostalgics. This game hasn't aged a day and while K2 is easier to afford it's an inferior product to the original in just about every way

This game is so good I wish cops were real

This game is a love letter to SNES-era JRPGs, but only the worst and most boring parts

Less bloated than 3H, still has some especially in the end. Shez isn't amazing but is much better than Byleth

It's a musou, punching hordes of goons and the movesets are fun but enemy tricksters seem to never stagger.

Story is apparently better with Edelgard and Claude, I didn't like it much with Dimitri even if I welcome that IS finally learned to not have everyone rely on the self-insert. Some people say it's fanfic-tier but it's a musou spin-off what do you expect and 3H's story wasn't all that great to begin with. Thankfully the cast is still there and as strong and interesting as in 3H.

All in all it's a fine game that does things better than 3H and is fun if you enjoy cleaving through hordes for 20 minutes before inexplicably put the game down