308 Reviews liked by Mailman_GV

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Beppo is involved in THREE of the most important cases in the series. A witness in 1-3, explained to have made dealings with McGilded in 1-5, and a sandwich in 2-4/2-5. He is iconic.

I was soyfacing throughout the entirety of case 5, my jaw hurts, it was a 6 hour long playthrough.

This game is uh, a mess. Primarily while it has a good base going from the first game, everything new is just a rushed mess of a game. The combat is still great and and general setting is well designed but everything else, yikes. The story and characters make absolutely no sense, and it's basically just random bs go. Fallen Order felt like a very refined game and Survivor just doesn't, it feels like its falling apart at every step. It's definitely fun and you can still enjoy it but the more you look at it the worse it gets.

To keep it short, this is quite literally the best video game I've ever played. Everything from how impressively well it runs on switch, to the engaging, fun combat, lovable characters, amazing story, beautiful music that stays in your head and enhances the atmosphere of every cutscene. SO IF YOU'RE NOT A FAN OF THE WORDS "PEAK FICTION", "GOAT", "RAW", "FIRE", STOP READING NOW IDK WHAT TO TELL YOU.

This remake is one of the few remakes I find to be pretty remarkable as far as, respect to the original material, everything new added does not hurt the original story but instead enhances it, some of the new things added because of these also enhances characters(I think Junpei bros might be happy), how good most of the English cast is(Only one I find to be rough is Akihiko), tweaking Baton Pass from Persona 5(I like how it's a simple pass with no stat boosts).

This to me really seems like a remake that only had some MILD interruption from investors which is obviously the elephant in the room the DLC and how egregious it is, the DLC alone keeps this remake from being a 5 for me and not because of "The Answer" being DLC which IS fucked up but the fact that the original soundtrack wasn't included. So If you don't vibe with the remixed music(I don't) and if you aren't on PC then you're screwed. On the subject of negative things though it REALLY is unfortunate that they beat into our heads that it is a faithful remake of P3 original/FES but they decided that P3 MC had to be stuck with one Weapon type which is unfortunate. The changes to Light and Dark are nice and this makes Koromaru arguably one of the best party members where in the original and PSP you would only really use him for grinding and even then I didn't really th ink it was worth it.

tl;dr I think this is a solid remake, I think the new stuff added overall is good, this remake doesn't offend me cause I think it's one of the few games that didn't need a remake and the originals are still great/worth playing(specifically PSP).

Only thing legit preventing it from being a 5 is the forced music if you aren't on PC lol. Looking forward to see how they handle P2, Raidou and other remakes.

I was never huge on RPGs, I was afraid of turn-based combat, management, and inconsistent pacing. But the way this game carried itself with simple-yet-intriguing gameplay, a banger ost, and one of the most compelling stories ever... flipped the script 100%, and I'm looking to try more.
Persona 3 Reload is an experience almost any gamer should experience. Go and show love to your loved ones, because it won't be around forever. Mitsuru is the šŸ. Junpei is Da Man.

January 2022 I played Dark Souls 2 : Scholar of the first sin for the first time, it took a while to click but eventually I fell in love with it and the series as a whole.

April 2024 It is with a heavy heart that I must face facts : I cannot play these games anymore. A similar thing has happened to me before, in 2022 I had the same realization about the total war games, but I have since been able to replay them a few years later. So I'd like to say its not "goodbye souls" but "see you later souls". I've simply grown too used to them, as replayable as they are, there is just nothing to excite me anymore. I will note however, that demons' souls was the last holdout.

Admittedly, this is probably less due to Demons' Souls' qualities than it is to the fact that I have done fewer runs of it than DS1 and 2 which I have played to death, by virtue of having to get my ps3 out of storage to play it, but nevertheless I find myself thinking about IT in particular lately.

Spoilers for Demons Souls I guess

The last time I played it I felt like the protagonist of Shadows over Insmouth or even 1984 when the cosmic horror hit as I made my way through the swamp of sorrows and thought to myself "oh god, I'm actually enjoying this". Miyazaki's psy-op finally got to me, whichever pheromone infused miasma the swamps emanate has made it into my head. Are these thoughts my own anymore? Am I but a vessel for the sacrifice to the great god of toxic swamp water that From Software has built an altar to?

Before any of the Demon Souls superfans get too pleased with their new convert, I think my overall enjoyment of DeS has stayed about the same; case in point I think I fucking hate 1-3 and 1-4. I think DeS strengths lie in atmosphere, in novel challenge revolving around environmental traversal, elemental match-ups, slow, methodical exploration and puzzle bossfights. In terms of straight up combat gauntlets its been utterly left in the dust by later entries, and its my least favourite aspect of the game. My ass also got killed because I accidentally climbed over a railing my rubbing too close to it and jumped into a 3 enemy gank, which felt less like punishing poor awareness and more getting fucked by weird controls. How hard is it to add a button press for mantling over obstacles? Either way, FromSoft abandoned that shit almost inmediately so its nice to know they agree with me.

The Blue dragon fucking sucks. The red dragon as an obstacle in 1-1 and 1-2 works perfectly, thematically and mechanically it serves its role of pseudoboss/setpiece wonderfully. The blue dragon sucks, whether or not you get past his second phase seems more luck to me than anything else given the disconnect between the visual outline and hitbox of his fire breath (especially if you rescue the knight dude) and given he guards the false king, as a player you're going to be seeing him a lot, leaving you to either absolutely master his bullshit timing or do the slow, tedious process of killing him with arrows. I have only ever fought King Allant "honourably" like 2 times maybe, because by the time I get to 1-4 my enthusiasm for DeS has grown thin and the tedium of the dragon and runback occupy such a space in my mind, that I usually just pull out the thief ring + poison cloud cheese combo, and I admit that with 0 shame. Its unfortunate, because the first time I fought King Allant I was legitimately sweating by the end of it, it was an incredible rush of adrenaline, but that fucking dumbass dragon had to fuck it up.

That's kind of DeS' double edged sword. It fucks with you, and dares you to fuck with it back, which is great when you max out health regen items so you can tank the poison and absolutely breeze through the swamp, but less great when you realize the optimum interaction with the world tendency system is to act in such a way that you dont have to engage with it at all i.e kill yourself in the nexus and always go in soul form. I get the logic in body form having the supposed risk/reward of extra health vs the chance to make the entire area harder if you die with it, but the usual obtuseness added to the fact that 25% extra health isn't particularly helpful compared to potentially getting into black world tendency, there isn't much of a choice. The added mechanic of item drop rates going up with black world tendency is also kind of pointless because pure white levels with sub-optimally upgraded weapons are infinitely easier than pure black with maxed out weapons. There's just not much of a choice here. You could argue that maybe there wasnt intended to BE a choice, given that the NPC which explained this mechanic was removed during development, but even as an opaque mechanic it cannot help but incentivise not bothering with it at all. Especially given the focus on cooperation I think they had to have realized people would crack the code on it eventually.

The poise system is weird, in that its an example of a system that is both too punishing and way too forgiving for the player, which is weird. Compared to the later souls games (though admittedly DS1 maybe went a bit too far in making poise OP) it fucks with the usual dynamic of the combat wherein you commit to every attack, both yours and the enemies' being slow and interruptable leading to tense back and forths. In DeS though, there is no poise, just hyper armor given by attacks. This leads to some weirdness. Take the scale miners in world 2. They are extremely tough skinned mindless workers in the mines of boletaria, they are very resistant to slashing damage but vulnerable to magic and pierce (and maybe blunt I think). So you'd think then that they would be able to shrug off any attacks from you and attack uninterrupted. This isnt really the case though, because hyper armor only kicks in during certain frames of attacks, hence if they start their pickaxe attack they are absolutely impossible to interrupt by quick thinking, as the attack has basically 0 windup before it enters the hyper armor phase, but if you hit em before they attack you can absolutely stunlock em into oblivion. The same is true of the blue and red-eyed knights who are way easier than they were likely intended to be because they don't have poise. This is what I mean, its both too punishing (doesnt seem to follow the dynamic of the rest of the combat) and too easy to abuse. The red eye knights in 1-3 are absolute dickheads for this, their charging spear attack can get spammed ad infinitum, with basically 0 cooldown and grants hyper armor. Thankfully I have a bow, but the amount of enemies in 1-3 is one reason why I hate it so much.

But nowhere is this poise problem demonstrated more than with Garl Vinland. Poor garl, serving a corrupt demon without poise. For some reason, of the heavy weapons which get hyper armor in DeS, seemingly the ultra greatswords and his fuck off hammer were excluded, and even if it wasnt easy as hell to parry him / get his hammer to smack the wall harmlessly, his dumbass heavy armor grants him 0 resistance to being stunlocked into oblivion. Compare him to Havel, who can also be cheesed, but at least he shrugs off attacks with a toothpick and hits you with his fuck off hammer regardless.

All that said, I love worlds 2,3 and to a lesser extent 4 and 5. 1-1 and 1-2 are great. Atmosphere and visual design wise they are great treats. I read an article I'll link here which brought up an interesting point I've been thinking about lately, which speaks to DeS' longstanding cult status. In the article they compare the flamelurker design in DeS and its remake, and how the latter looks like "artstation fire demon", which is harsh but kind of true. Its what you make when a director asks you for a fire demon, and if there is something that defines DeS I think, its that it embodies the opposite, for good and for ill. The vanguard demon, the storm king, maiden astraea, phalanx even, these all subvert usual genre expectations and give something rather unique without feeling try-hard. Everything else about its design from its mechanics to the art all seem to follow the rule of not just doing the obvious, the easy, the straightforward.

Think about the tutorial, where after maybe defeating the vanguard demon (which again, is not the type of enemy one would usually put as a beginner boss, both in its lethality and slight goofiness of the design) you are taken to an area with some loot and then are put in front of a giant humanoid dragon, who kills you not by breathing fire and melting you (i.e what you would expect) but by hitting you with a big old punch.

So all my complaints aside, I have to respect Demons' Souls, and if I manage to get back into souls at some point in the future, I hope I get to enjoy being brainwashed into liking 5-2 again. And despising that fucking dragon asshole.

Never played but obligated to give it a 10/10 because of how much enjoyment I get from joining a new MegaTen server, making a joke about how Persona 3 was the first Persona game, turning notifications on my phone, and then shoving it up my ass

The Bayonetta 3 of the Gunvolt series, but I like the game a lot. Story is a bit iffy, but the gameplay is pretty sick. I love Kirinā€™s play style and GODvolt is ridiculously fun to zip through stages. Iā€™d say Gunvolt 2 is still the peak of the series, though 3 is definitely stronger than 1 and the 2 chronicles games. So uh, it seems the Gunvolt series will be in spinoff purgatory for the foreseeable futureā€¦

This game is always one update away from being the perfect Halo.

The most cinematically beautiful game ever made. Game Designā„¢ Aficionados froth at the mouth and lose half their motor function trying to explain how the parry is an uninteresting central mechanic, to which the only response necessary is linking an mp3 file of the sound effect. The totality of the video game, the perfect harmony of sight, sound, and input, this is what AAA execution should look like. Make no mistake this isnā€™t cinematic as in a movie you mostly get to move the main character in. This is a video game presented cinematically without ever compromising on any of the strengths of itā€™s function. Making your way through or around the world and watching Ashina slowly get infiltrated and crumble over the course of the game is an experience best played, never explained. This is the reason why money exists: to fund shit like this. It is still a fromsoft game so it should be approached with similar levels of caution about the consistency of the encounters i guess, but i will always hold that anybody who has a very negative opinion of this game is untrustworthy.

Often imitated not yet duplicated, right now it is the mission of game developers around the world to try and prove this game wrong. To try and take the parry and try to build a game around it even better. Unfortunately I am not omniscient so I canā€™t really say with 100% certainty what the end of the road looks like, but iā€™m a gambling man and iā€™m willing to bet on who the world will remember, and who will unfortunately be left behind.

Half-life 3 and Silksong fans are so melodramatic when they say how long they've been waiting for a sequel. Try being a Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device fan