Funny that the only dmc with a spaceship mini game bossfight is the one directed by Kamiya

An enjoyable experience overall

Pretty cool transformation of the Japanese story and culture, with an awesome glossary of the enemies and their inspirations on japanese culture, also, amazing combat e cool weapons, BUT HOLY SHIT, Horrible Level Design.

Besides the art style, this game fights with Wonder Labyrinth for the least original metroidvania game

It's basically a full priced Borderlands 2 DLC, creative some times but by the most part pretty bland, and the dialogues and main character are extremely cringe

Me surpreendeu do começo ao fim, não apenas a trama me manteve interessado durantes as 30h de jogo, como eu amei todo o cast principal, um joguinho pra ficar guardado no coração

Tales of franchise never fails on delivering the most painfully average experience in JRPGS

I couldn't care less for the narrative of an uncharted game, since the first one the protag was boring af and didn't change anything in this game, it actually made it worse, having to sit down and listen to a overdramatic history for bad characters and play action sessions that are better to watch instead of actually playing it

Uma das experiências mais medíocres que já tive com vídeo jogos

Visualmente interessante e com uma história promissora, mas essas mecânicas de combate que parecem estripadas do Soulslike, somadas ao limite de tempo e punição bizarra pela morte me desanimaram.