chill, atmospheric story-driven climbing in a small open world. a bit repetitive, some clunky movement, and the story ultimately doesn't do much with some interesting ideas, but hey, hopefully the sequel coming out soon will do more with the premise

Charming and polished with some great writing, marred by some pacing issues (rhythm sequences that go on much longer than they should)


very pretty and mostly very enjoyable combat-free exploration platformer, impressive for a game created by a single person. some frustrating bits with overly demanding platforming towards the end, though

also, I expected this to be more in the vein of Abzu/Journey/etc than it is. While the comparisons aren’t entirely baseless, this places more emphasis on gameplay and significantly less on storytelling compared to those

I preferred Virginia's more obtuse Lynchian narrative, but this is still pretty solid for a narrative game with very limited interactivity. Not the biggest fan of the turn the plot takes in the final chapter, though - it's not really consistent with the tone of the first six, and ties too many things up a bit too neatly for my taste

too mechanically dull, repetitive, and tonally infantile (especially in the voice acting, most of which sounds like a particularly condescending adult reading a children's book out loud) for me to bother finishing even at its very short length

too long but pretty fun. Evie and the grappling hook are fun. the Karl Marx missions are unintentionally hilarious, I guess this is what Ubisoft considers "apolitical"

hard to shake the feeling that it could be doing much more with the concept than it is, but still pretty fun devouring those humans

cute little gay game, wish it fleshed out the protagonist and his sexuality a bit more though

very nice pixel art, but the gameplay is awfully repetitive and level design is dull even by Igavania standards. just play Bloodstained: RotN instead if you want to scratch that SotN itch

fun brawler/shooter that isn't particularly deep or varied but doesn't overstay its welcome. a good pick for a dumb fun action game to waste a few hours on

well, the deathtraps in the final level are terrible, but the rest of the game up to that point is good enough to recommend it

Decent narrative horror game that relies too much on frustrating QTEs and is honestly too short for its own good - key plot points in the back half simply lack the impact that they should because the game rushes by them so quickly on its way to the ending.

Enjoyable 3D puzzle-platformer with a nifty gravity-defying gimmick and light Metroidvania elements. Not without its flaws (poor camera controls, some gimmick levels that deviate too far from the core premise), but figuring out how to navigate each level is fun enough to put up with some frustration.

extremely cute and charming Zelda-like adventure starring a baby elephant. Ends a bit abruptly and some of the writing is a lot heavier (relatively speaking) than one would expect from a game with these aesthetics, but that kinda adds to the quirky charm of it all.

beautiful, short, and highly polished music-themed 2D platformer. A few things I could quibble with, some of the jumps are arguably trickier than they should be, but as free student games go, this is definitely in the top tier