One of my favorite LEGO games as a child.

This replay really got me loving this game. Finally completed it with the riddler throphies and the arkham messages.

Best Arkham game ever. I love that it feels so much like the comics. Was a little dificult for me as a kid, but I remember with great satisfaction when I defeated the Joker.

Replayed it when I got it for PC.

It's incredible what the graphics of this game accomplished. Suffered a lot as a kid with the riddles, but this game really made me love Batman.

Used to play a lot when I was a kid.

Completed 1 and 2, but never got around to finising 3.

Been playing this game a little every day. Very educational and the progression is very satisfactory.

The best FNaf game. The atmosphere of terror at its best in the franchise.

Had a really good blast playing this. I'll get back to it sometime to master it.

Been a Spidey fan since I can remember, I loved this game so much.

I will follow you until the end Ellie Williams

One of the best story games of all time.

Replayed this game as soon as I got my Pc back in the pandemic. I had so much fun relieveng old memories and finally achieveing 100%.