Wait a second, this isn't Sonic.

This is a 3D Kirby's yoyo transformation game in disguise

Wait a second, this isn't Sonic.

This is a 3D Kirby's yoyo transformation game in disguise

WOVIE ZOWIE. Si lo hubiera jugado en coop serían 5 estrellas

It would be a 4 stars game if the true ending had any of the emotional weight that the ota and mizuki endings have.

The plot twists were cool but I don't know how you make one of the first normal endings you can have more emotionally resonant and fullfilling that the true one

One of the best games ever made with one of the worst online experiences you are going to live

I don't know what is more addicting, if the gameplay loop or the sound design. Every action you take on this game comes together with a delightfull sound. It's a very relaxing game.
In the bad side, the 100% completion goal for the game is fucking crazy

Some of the best horror setpieces I ever witnessed in any medium. This games is designed by a genius and it knows how to fuck with your mind constantly.

By the ending I was so exhausted of all the scares I just needed it to end, just like the protagonist, and just like him, i restarted to get the true ending and finish what I started.

Totally worth it.