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coekane reviewed Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Taking Miyazaki's dick out of my mouth for this one:
For everything FromSoftware nailed in Shadow of the Erdtree, which was the level design and progression this time around, they dove headfirst into unfun and uncreative enemy design.
Shadow of the Erdtree took over 2 years from the original game's launch, and I think that time made the distaste I have for a lot of the enemies here even stronger. Most enemies were either Bloodborne's Shark levels of unfun, or reused from the base game, or even worse, ideas from previous games. The bosses are also overtuned, and not as satisfying or memorable as the ones in the base game (or their previous works). But most of them I didn't struggle that much with, about 6 Remembrance bosses taking less than 3 attempts and only about 3 (and Bayle) taking any longer. So it wasn't skill level for me, it was personal disinterest for the direction FromSoftware wanted to ramp up the difficulty to be more "glad that's over" compared to "I overcame something incredible".
Also, the PC performance got even worse so that alone took what I was originally going to give a 7 a 6, optimize your games, the amount of freezes and crashes are unacceptable.

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Alqxx is now playing Dragon Quest Treasures

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