Lacking the option of having rental teams choosing any Pokémon you want like in Pokémon Stadium, without having to import your own Pokémon killed this game for me, I didn't own the mainline games at the time.

Vastly improved in the ME Legendary Edition. Playing the original feels dated and the gameplay and combat are very wonky and frustrating, I would rate the OG one 3.5.

The story, worldbuilding, and characters are still superb. The start of my favorite trilogy in videogames.

The gameplay is fun and probably the best part of the game, there's also so much to do in the big city, but I disliked every one of the protagonists and the story and humor were not quite for me.

The multiplayer is fun with friends... for a while. It's a very frustrating and annoying online experience, and Rockstar's greediness made the game very grind-y and pay to win/have fun.

The single player is 3.5, the multiplayer is probably a 2 or 2.5 after being decently fun at the beginning but crashing down hard afterward.

Fun, free, and replayable little game. Cute animals and quick matches.

Played it around 2017-2018. It was fun back then, I don't know the current state of the game but I do know that Blizzard sucks.

The online community seemed to be more toxic than in other games for some reason, and this makes a big impact on the game, being an exclusively multiplayer one.

Nostalgic game since it is one of my first games ever along with Pokémon Stadium. Very dated now but had a good time with it back then.

Comfort game, although not very replayable for me. I love Animal Crossing games, but for some reason, I just can't rate them higher, they are lovely but they have limitations.

Nostalgic and fun game, wish they would do a story mode like this again.

Have over 1500 hours in this game, fun, replayable but also frustrating at times, heavily dislike the designs and overall art style and some game design choices. Still an enjoyable game in the time that I played it.

Not the biggest fan of button smashers, but I had a fun time playing it with my brother and friends.


Played it a while back and I remember having fun, but I did it again recently and the game is extremely dated and the humor is kinda... terrible and has some very yikes moments. I didn't have a fun time, to be honest. The soundtrack gets really repetitive and the gameplay can be very clunky at times.

The game has some good ideas and potential, but I don't like how they were implemented and the game has aged pretty poorly, in my opinion.

Feels very barebones and so slow compared to Rebirth, didn't age well. I remember enjoying it in its time, but Rebirth made everything way better.

Had good times and a lot of fun playing this one with my brothers. Very original idea.

The rating is solely on the multiplayer since it's the one I have played the most, ever, and I had so many good times and got so many memories with friends while playing this game. My teenage gears were spent playing this game and it means a lot to me, even if the game as a whole is not particularly great.

The single-player campaign is average, I liked the gritty-darker atmosphere of the first one more, and the story is not great, it lets many loose ends and doesn't answer many questions when it was supposed to be the final one for the trilogy, until 4 was announced.

Very cute, but it gets old fast, sadly.