Have I technically finished this? No. But I’ve seen enough. Perfect game.

Nasty fantasy sex ✅
Unparalleled player freedom ✅
Karlach (my wife) ✅

An unbelievably satisfying sequel to one of the best games ever made (Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts)

The nostalgia people have for Resident Evil 4, I have for Dead Space. So this is the superior remake of 2023. I have decreed it.

Shadow dropped games don’t usually go this hard.

Fighting games are about cool combos and big muscles and Street Fighter 6 has more of those per square inch than any other game ever.

A stunning technical marvel that also includes 100 of those time-filler minigames from every PS2 game.

Kind of nice to play the real version of this game after 3 years.

This is Ubisoft's first AAAA game

I love games where the main character is just a guy. No super powers, no trauma, just vibes.

This is why Oregon is superior to Washington

Going to start saying I'm a protected veteran on job applications

Dragon’s Dog-mid. (I just couldn’t get in to it)