The base mechanics are great but the game is way too long while not feeling complete. I miss linear levels

It takes a while to click but it's fun when it does. Also why are there so many gimmick levels

Kaname Date is a rabid dog and should be beaten to death with a stick

This game is fun but it kinda lacks a lot of the depth that a game like this needs. There are so many things that this game needs that I'm afraid it won't add. For example, more purchasable upgrades(there is barely anything to spend money on besides shit you get immediately and massive vanity money sinks), more weapons and variants and tools, etc. Also most of the bosses suck and the change to health/hard damages makes me not want to use the grappling hook. The core gameplay loop is fun but it needs more to really be something special.

The first fighting game I've played that I really got into, it's so fucking fun. Very well thought out and the net code is really good and I appreciate that.

Not quite as good as the first game but you cannot complain about more Katamari, it's the same stuff but more.

Honestly just a perfect video game. Wonderfully weird and fun in an unique way. It's a simple loop but it's incredible to go through and eventually master.

A simple but cool horror game. Great sound design and manages to feel stressful despite the minimalistic presentation. Not much reason to go back to it once you're done but it's a good hour of horror.

It's real good. I tried getting into it years ago but never got far, but after beating Elden Ring and Sekiro I wanted to go back to it and I'm glad I did. Feels a little bit clunky compared to those later games but it's still fun and satisfying, and the world all fits together in a beautiful way.

Incredible gameplay, great feeling controls with a stupid high skill ceiling, practically every level there are ways to do them faster but more difficult. The music slaps and the story is super compelling as well, they really add a lot to the experience.


Simple but fun game, a few bosses can fuck off though. That final boss simply sucks.

Really good and funny 3D platformer with tons of neat ideas, just a cool game all around.

Genuine masterpiece of satire while also having fucking incredible gameplay which perfectly compliments its themes of late stage capitalism and the decay of human life as we know it. The game is truly a one-of-a-kind experience and getting engrossed in Cruelty Squad is a disgusting yet wonderous journey.

Probably one of the most personally offensive games I've ever played. I'm a massive fan of both metroidvanias and character action hack-&-slash type games, and Other M tries and utterly fails to be even half-decent at either. At the same time, it tells a bland story that is at best boring and at worse ruining otherwise great characters. Adam was better in Fusion, when he wasn't even directly in it and all we really knew about him is that he died.

It's fine. First hour or so feels more like Halo, but after that it's about what you'd expect. A lot of the added motion controlled stuff doesn't add much, although I do like using the plasma beam as a welder. Hyper-mode also screws with the pacing of combat a bit too much.