The game describes itself as having 'trial & error gameplay' and yeah, sure does. Even if it's intentional it's definitely not very fun. An interesting mechanic on paper that doesn't really work at all. Also maybe the least visually polished game of the whole Playdate season. Nah.

Still playing but got my first win so I'm ready to review. I think deck building rougelites are a cool idea but I've always been absolutely terrible at them. Something about the concept just doesn't click in my head. Balatro managed to break this for me. Something about how straightforward and ingrained poker hands are to me makes the idea of manipulating them make a ton of sense. The visuals are really simple but they're so polished and the visual flair of watching multipliers pile up feels amazing. Balatro surprised me with how much it hooked me.

I will say, one minor complaint is that it feels like it has that Binding of Isaac problem where you know whether your run is dead within about your first 5 minutes playing and it's easy to get into a pattern of having to restart over and over until the rng gives you something actually useful.

After over a week with this I gotta be real, despite some huge glaring VERY Niantic issues I have with this game, it does actually manage to capture most of what's fun about the loop of Monster Hunter. I'm having a pretty great time with it. This is easily Niantic's best game because it has an actual satisfying gameplay element on top of the GPS stuff.

This was EXCELLENT. This is my highlight of the Playdate season so far. I loved this. The writing was so good, the puzzles were just interesting enough, and the style and aesthetic of the whole thing is excellent. Short and sweet but it feels like there's possible value to replaying and making different decisions.

A technical marvel for what can be done with the playdate, but unfortunately also kind of boring. It's SNES Mario Kart essentially. The missions were really annoying.

Also a very minor nitpick, I hate the player's car being a clearly empty go kart. Put a little guy with a helmet on in there, or let me use the closed car models that I can see in the soccer and mission modes. It's a nitpick but it bothers me.

So Youtube for some reason will now let you play a bunch of awful mobile games in your browser, and if you have an adblocker they can't push ads to you. Of course I had to try the most brainrot-looking game I could find.

I played 15 levels of this. I don't know why. There is nothing here.

I think Tetris is a fundamentally perfect game, and I think this is the best version of Tetris that exists. It elevates everything about the experience of Tetris and turns it into something transcendent. It boldly pushes forward the idea that 'What if Tetris is actually a universal shared human experience that connects all people and all things' and it really should come off as pretentious, but it makes me believe it. Maybe Tetris is the most important piece of art ever made??? Honestly, like, maybe. It might be.

This is one of my favorite games ever made. It's perfect.

Played this on launch on my HTC Vibe way back, but only recently grabbed it again as a Quest 2 title to play the new Daft Punk DLC. In my mind this is THE essential VR game. Owning a VR headset without this game just doesn't make sense to me. There's a reason this game is offered bundled with new Quests. Now after multiple years of updates the included list of songs is really good and there's a huge variety of quality dlc packs to grab. There's tons to love here.

My one complaint that I've held for years at this point is that the menu ui is awful. It seems built more for showing you things you can buy than for actually letting you find music efficiently. I shouldn't have to go through multiple steps to just see a list of songs I own. I also really wish the game gave a better estimate of how difficult songs are. Playing $100 Bills and ANY saber Camellia track on Expert are worlds apart in terms of difficulty, but there's no easy way to actually know that.

It's Tetris on the Playdate. It's completely free and looks really nice and has some comfy lofi music. It's everything it needs to be. Can't have a portable game system without a way to play a quick game of Tetris.

A really simple and fun Texas Holdem game with a nicely polished feel to it. Surprised you can just grab this for free.

A very brief and simple JRPG that has a ton of charm and appeal to it. The combat is very barebones but just interesting enough to be fun. Really appreciated the built in menu for adjusting random encounter rates and xp/money gain to make the games pace whatever you want it to be. Pulp was one of the things that drew me to getting a Playdate but tbh I've been trying games made with Pulp and ending up really bored. This really impressed me. Great game.

Fell off this one before I could get to the end. Really wanna come back to this when they fix the performance issues and maybe drop the equivalent Dark Arisen type expansion.

Really mixed on this. The original DD was this inspired but jank and unfinished masterpiece. It was this peek into an impossibly ambitious game that broke so many traditional rules of triple-A RPGs at a time when other games were playing it so safe. This one? Well, it's sort of the the exact same janky unfinished game and now it's competing with a gaming landscape that's got a lot more going on.

I'm a little disappointed, I can't lie. The promise of this game was 'Dragon's Dogma but finished' and instead we got 'Dragon's Dogma, but bigger, and still unfinished' and that really sucks. It still takes a lot of really cool interesting swings but they're just not as novel a decade later when now there's so many indie RPGs and even big Fromsoft games doing things just as interesting.

Wanted to try out some of the more popular games made with Pulp and this one was literally $1 on a sale so figured why not.

It's okay. I got a little too bored and confused. I found some really interesting writing and worldbuilding in here but I just spent way too much time getting lost in nearly identical looking back-tunnel areas. It didn't do a great job mixing up environments to keep things fresh.

Looks and sounds incredible for the Playdate. Even outside the limits of the hardware the aesthetic is so stylish and cool. Unfortunately not the best shmup I've played though. The lack of screen space and dpad only controls make it a little rough to actually play. I did notice an option to make your ship move slower in the options which was a huge help. It's pretty good all around though.

It's like a micro-sudoku. Really polished and a great fit for the Playdate. Given it's free, I think it's a mandatory sideload for anyone who's got one.